Showing posts with label Dividend Investing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dividend Investing. Show all posts

Oct 6, 2023

Cory Diary : Review of Current Reits Position in the Portfolio

There are 10 Reits in the portfolio of varying allocation which together take up about 50% allocation today. The current Top 3 Reits allocation are Ascendas, Aims Apac Reit and FCT. The Bottom 3 Reits allocation are Sabana, United HS and Elite Comms.

Ascendas Reit - Hold to manage size allocation
Aims Apac Reit - Hold to manage size allocation
FCT - Accumulation stage when opportunity arises
Mapletree Industrial Trust - Hold to manage risk allocation
Mapletree Log Trust - Allocation Trend will be lowered due to acquisition
iReit - Hold to manage risk and size allocation
Ascott Trust  - Allocation Trend will be lowered due to acquisition
Elite Comms GBP - Hold due to GB local issue. Monitor.
UtdHampshReit USD - Hold to manage tax and risk
Sabana Reit - Hold to manage risk. Monitor.

Predominantly Foreign Asset Reits

Foreign based SG Reits are iReit, Elite Comms, UtdHampshire. All three therefore has forex exposure and in recent times suffers from reduced income in SGD. On top of this, inflation is relatively much higher than SG and Interest Rates Cost have seen much higher impact on them. Business wise the basic fundamentals look ok though not perfect. They could be a lot worst if they are in US Based Office Reits as WFH in oversea countries likely can be a long drawn normalcy.

While most of the higher allocated Reit positions are well into positive territory YTD, the higher yield Reits are in deep losses. The only consolidation is their relatively smaller allocation in the Reit segment of the portfolio after suffering large capital losses last year as well. This is not surprising due to most of this are mainly foreign assets whom faces much higher cost in recent time.

Industrial/Business Park/Logistic Reits

Ascendas, Aims Apac, MIT, MLT and Sabana are all Industrial/Logistic Reits of varying degrees. They enjoy relatively good business in current environment. Strong Rental reversion in a number of them. Interestingly, the smaller Reits like Aims Apac and Sabana did very well in rental reversion. All of them has a good plan and control of their debts. DPU looks stable.

Retail and Hospitality Reits

FCT and Ascott are in Malls and Hospitality respectively. They also enjoy strong business. With FCT being a Core Reit in the Portfolio other than Ascendas. The strength of FCT is their suburb Malls on well located area. A key necessity meeting and transit points for most commuters and well positioned for daily necessities. Is a Reit that we expect to be able to weather all Emotional Storms from the Market. Recently they have managed to sell off some non-key assets which is quite a positive move in current higher cost interests impact.

Ascott Reit is more a recovery play from Post Covid whom suffered deep impact from lock down and lack of tourism businesses during Covid period. Recent rights issue has been disappointing as we are in current higher rate environment and therefore large asset acquisition do not benefits shareholders. This is reflected in recent poor share price performance.


Worst time of Reits maybe over for major part of it however there are hangover issues with fundamentally weakened reits that will drive them lower as time passes. For the past 2 years the banks have counter balances the weakness of Reits in high spike rate environment. This help to ride the Portfolio over this volatile period.

Is also time now that I plan to do re-balance my portfolio with the longer term view of their trend. As usual, i will put integrity of the reit managers and their alignment to minority shareholders as utmost importance even though is with the expectation that the sponsor will try to take some off the table for themselves.

And finally whenever opportunity arises, i will tap into some warchest. There are voices out there that the market may turn worst. I will probably adjust my pace slower when tapping new funding. The good thing about all this is that SSB and T-Bills which has grown sizeable for the past 2 years, help to retard my funding release.


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Nov 14, 2022

Cory Diary : This is the One !

For a long while I have been hoping for a correction so that I can scope in low to expand my dividend size that I could collect annually. What I didn't tell myself is that this could also mean the whole portfolio has to go down with it to fetch it.

Obviously on hindsight we should sell and buy back later before the correction. However I am not qualify to be a god. We could try some but to risk the entire portfolio do requires god mode level. So my take is considering most of the stocks picked are quality stocks of strong sustainable DPU at least in my own perspectives we can just ride it out.

We have gone through Covid, Inflation, Ukraine War, China Tech/Edu Clamp down, China Property Crisis, Tesla/Elon/Twitter Volatility, China Drought, Zero Covid, Rate Hikes, Liz Truss Saga, Weak Yen and Supply Chain issues. Each with severe punch below the belt on the Portfolio and each could be classified as Black Swan Events of varying degree. That's through a len of negativity. And maybe more to come.

Hold on, isn't that exactly what we dividend investors wanted to be able to increase our dividends meaningfully maybe just not so many swans .... ? Last count annual dividend has exploded up by almost 40% with constant minute size injection as the market crumbles. If the absolute number maintained, the annual income could be insane at personal level. That's a golden opportunity for a 10% dent on the portfolio which is cheap vs Global Financial Crisis.

The only real issue I have concern is Right Issue with deep discount and to minimize this there are few ways I need to be prepared for it. 


1. SSB
2. Multiplier
3. Cash Saving / FD

As for averaging down, i have been focusing only on stocks that likely will not give deep discount so that we can skip the subscription if needed. Cash is King now and want to use it wisely without added risk. This averaging down routine could be now over since I last blogged on inflation movement which turn out as expected. ( link ). Hopefully we can enjoy the ride back up till year end.


Oct 7, 2022

Cory Diary : How do SG reit performs ?

How do Singapore Reits on average perform so far. Using FTSE ST All for reference, only down about -11% in a turmoil year. 

Now how does S&P 500 performs ? No kidding, down more than -20%.

And if we consider dividends, performance gap is even wider. So is this surprising ?

Using another data point. Looks like Reit still do better long term but this is US.

How about SG reits. If we stick to "Branded Reits" likely outperform the US reits as a number of them have more than doubled in value over the years.


CoryLogics Invest Chat - No Coin, No Porn, No Penny

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Articles in this Blog is personal take and sharing purposes only. Reader should seek their own professional help when making financial decision and be responsible for their decision.

Sep 2, 2022

Cory Diary : Jittery Market

Year 2022 Market has been Jittery. The funny thing is the market has been reacting as though they are surprised what Fed will do when they actually knew what it has to do.

There has been many Black Swan events if we are to broadly classify them. Ranging from Ukraine War, Covid aftermath, High Inflation, Extreme Hot Weather, China routs on Tech/Edu stocks, China Property Crisis, World Oil Crisis and to add the emergence of disruptor like Tesla on many fronts that pose to change the landscape of the auto industry.

For Mainly Dividend Investor as in perspective of Cory Portfolio, is like a similar beeps like in past drawn down which is surprising measured despite large growth in portfolio size. ( see above chart on draw down)

There are still a few months ahead but unlike Year 2021, I have not much feel to be in good profit territory for YTD performance. That's fine. We can wait while scoping up cheap stocks in stages. It has been good opportunity to collect.

Will there be cheaper price ? Maybe ... no one knows. I don't have crystal ball but is cheap currently.


CoryLogics Invest Chat - No Coin, No Porn, No Penny

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Articles in this Blog is personal take and sharing purposes only. Reader should seek their own professional help when making financial decision and be responsible for their decision.

Jun 11, 2022

Cory Diary : Time will Pass - Don't let the correction go to waste

If someone is to tell me when Covid just hit us in early 2020 on the disasters it will ensued after, I would find the going tough. To play back, Covid hits, 2nd Baby, Covid Mar'202 Crash, Covid lock downs, Salary Freeze, Covid Vaccinations, Covid Variants, Ukraine War, Fuel price sky rocketed, High Inflation, Rate Hikes, Property Curbs, ... ... ....


While is hard to predict the future, we have already progress so far as we take it one bad news at a time. For every damage done, it will Pass. Therefore is important that we Preserve and go through it.

What I do the past week is tallying up my available War chest. Have been buying in bits into dividend stocks so far. Trying to measure up how much each purchase drives the dividend coffer. The buying period is long because I want to see is there major dip or else put some amount Instead into SSB at higher interest rate later. 

Yesterday US side announced 8.6% Inflation number and luxury home sales dropped 18%. Obviously the Market reflected it. Currently I have Telsa and Msft in US position. Probably less than 10% of the Equity allocation. Even though it was managed down as I take advantage of the strong USD position to sell into SG Cash, the exposure is still quite high. Have a good night sleep last night so aren't going to DCA or increase US Positions.

SGX side, Potential Annual Dividends will hit $67k to-date. Received about $32k+ dividend YTD so far which is way more than previous years even before the month June ended. Seriously, I am not hoping for US market to crash but it works perfect if SG Market does for dividend counters so that I can stretch my dollar for the dividend significantly. 


Meantime I will keep buying in bits and pieces as it looks like the market is on slow rewind.


CoryLogics Invest Chat - No Coin, No Porn, No Penny

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Articles in this Blog is personal take and sharing purposes only. Reader should seek their own professional help when making financial decision and be responsible for their decision. 

Jun 5, 2022

Cory Diary : Interest Rate v Reit Prices


Reit yield has been going down for past decade or more with lowering interest rates. What this mean is higher Stock Price. This seems a yield spiral which result in yield compression against SSB or Bonds. There needs for a reversal.

The bad way to do this is to have relative lower stock price with higher yield as we can see in past one and half year. Basically Covid impact weakening business fundamental. The ideal way to have much better earning in DPU. How can this happen ?

Currently I can think of 3 and item 1 condition is happening today. There could be more but for interest of time ...

1. Inflation - Yes. This result in higher rental prices provided strengthening economy.

2. Leverage - Higher Leverage will helps including Perpetual.

3. Property - Yes. Increasing Property Price means lower Gearing.


In short, Reits need to adjust their rental which takes time to happen therefore we could see weakening or flat market due to lagging factor however longer term this will provide better DPU thus stronger Reit prices theoretically.

The problem with this strategy based on past reference is that the lagging factor can last for years and who knows what will happen during this period. We could have recession, major war or another pandemic. touch wood ! Enough of negativity ! There can also be positive news too just that I lack the knowledge to think of immediately that has 100% confidence it can speed up.

What I could is to buy in slowly in small bites investing in strong fundamental businesses meantime.

Why Reits ?

See below - Specifically Singapore. Simply no withholding tax and local knowledge.


CoryLogics Invest Chat - No Coin, No Porn, No Penny

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Articles in this Blog is personal take and sharing purposes only. Reader should seek their own professional help when making financial decision and be responsible for their decision. 

Apr 30, 2022

Cory Diary : Market Drawdown Logic

Dividend Investing always have the idea that as the stock get cheaper we can buy more shares cheaper. At the same time we get more and more dividends. Capital loss is not meaningful as there is confidence the price likely returns if is not short term even long term we can wait. This is logical when the business fundamental is not significantly impacted and we are still seeing the cashflow coming in to provide dividend. Collecting dividend while we wait is a very happy exercise mentally.

Bottomless Pit

What-if is growth stock that hardly has any dividend ? This becomes tricky in market drawdown. In growth stock, PE can move from low to high gear and back. What this mean is money created out of thin air or vaporize with sentiment as money is not in the pocket literally. Strong companies will not escape punishment even with almost perfect score as people will still focus on the imperfect and blow it off with broad market. People who continues to average down in a down trend market will be suffering for a long time mentally. There is no base support. It can be a bottomless pit as valuation is just a paper exercise till something change the course.

The market is well known to be 6 months ahead. So if rates impact till year end means Early June is the time we re-evaluate our thoughts again. So much on Growth Stocks. Needless to say is not the same logic as dividend investing. Our brain needs to switch a bit on this and timing maybe critical even when we cannot do well on it. As usual exception always applies just in case someone like to shoot my thought.


CoryLogics Invest Chat - No Coin, No Porn, No Penny
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Articles in this Blog is personal take and sharing purposes only. Reader should seek their own professional help when making financial decision and be responsible for their decision.

Mar 2, 2022

Cory Diary : Russian invasion of Ukraine - Elite Comm Reit

Ukraine has more than 200k servicemen. For Russia with their military power and size to send less than this number of soldier to invade Ukraine, and splitting their army into three routes seems arrogance resulting them failing their military goals so far. And now with Ukraine activating reservists it seems tough for Russia to fight without significant loss of lives even if they win. Putin has started to use cluster bombs, hitting government building with missiles and deploying thermobaric weapons seem steps of desperation. This will be horrific to Ukraine Civilians as such weapons are indiscriminate and a serious war crime. I wonder which soldiers will obey such orders to kill civilians senselessly in this modern time. Even if Russia win is a lose.

Interestingly, the invasion also resulted in 10 Yr bond yield crushing back to Jan level as people rush for safe assets. Reits started to rebound despite Inflation reeling hard. USD creeping up too. The bank prices that have been spiking past months have already entered discount modes. This allow me to kickstart collection but seems I am a little too eager as my position has increased to more than 5% of the Equity Portfolio. I need to hold my gun tighter when the probability or rate increase likely to be strong ?

So how is Europe Properties impacted or mitigated ?

Elite Commercial Trust

Regearing announced. There is some rent reduction in 11 of the 100 properties. A huge relieve to shareholders as they are now extended to year 2028.

"Together with the 31.6% of the total portfolio by GRI currently with straight leases through to 2028 with no lease break options, this means that 78.6% of the leases by total portfolio by GRI(1) will run straight to 2028 without any lease break options"

However there is also some investment required as follow. This could improve the valuation of the properties such that dividend will not take significant hit over the 3 years period if they go via additional loan.

The only risk left which I am personally concern is exchange rate risk on DPU nevertheless is a good deal overall.



CoryLogics Invest Chat - No Coin, No Porn, No Penny
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Articles in this Blog is personal take and sharing purposes only. Reader should seek their own professional help when making financial decision and be responsible for their decision.

Feb 6, 2022

Cory Diary : Danger of S&P500 Index

The S&P 500 is littered with many instances of long period of down time where investor hold on to zero to very low yield stocks for many years. Examples below on most recent ones.

First Picture is 6 years wait.

Your wait will be extended by another 7 years if you buy in Year 2000 peak.

That's total of 13 years and with only a little profits. Not sure will there be after currency exchange rate ?

For this number of years in Dividend investing stocks, an investor has good chance to double their returns assuming just 5% yield. Currently Market is trading 5.5% yield for strong reits. Not saying S&P500 will repeat this stunt. Just to highlight the danger. Maybe one should DCA or do proper diversifications. Maybe stock picking is a good idea ? The index is still cool. Just be aware what we are walking into as not many can wait even for 3 years.



CoryLogics Invest Chat - No Coin, No Porn, No Penny
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Articles in this Blog is personal take and sharing purposes only. Reader should seek their own professional help when making financial decision and be responsible for their decision.

Nov 5, 2021

Cory Diary : Dividend Strategy doing 4x100 Relay

Compounding dividend by holding stocks long term is kind of straight forward method of investment. However, if one is to change dividend stocks midway while continue to compound, there is potential one can go faster due to market timing opportunities.

An example will be like 4x100m Runners passing baton. There is not much delay other than transaction fees. In fact new fresher runner can run faster speeding up the whole process of compounding. By locking oneself to a single runner to complete the entire compounding journey, matter of time it may slowed down as one will get tired running the entire 400m journey.

The next question will be when should we change runner ?

DPU expected to slow down in next coming years, CEO change not to our liking, Industry shifts, Price Actions / Market Dynamics, Riskier leveraging, Weakening Sponsor, ....


CoryLogics Invest Chat - No Coin, No Porn, No Penny
Telegram CoryLogics <= Link to Telegram

Articles in this Blog is personal take and sharing purposes only. Reader should seek their own professional help when making financial decision and be responsible for their decision.

Oct 14, 2021

Cory Diary : Trading notes in Foreign Markets

Just a quick update on my investment. With recent spike in the stock markets, total foreign shares stand around 13% of the portfolio. One significant milestone is the profit gain ytd matches in % term to the local market finally.

The mix in the portfolio is to compensate the lack of international level exposure and growth. Therefore foreign shares are exactly targeted at this segment. Like in some investors, timing wise my foray in US and Chinese markets aren't really good.

The US market corrected as soon I deployed my first 5% allocation. It takes like half a year to get what I am today. As for the Chinese market, I entered after they were already in deep correction but they just go much deeper after deploying my initial fund. Fortunately, this are in mini steps so the exposure do not rock the portfolio significantly while allows me to buy time to learn. At the same time slowly build the allocation up. In Equity allocation US share value has hits 2/3 of the foreign shares. The strategy is to allow initial outlay of the fund to break even or in profit territory before pumping in more.

What this mean is the Chinese stock allocation increment will be frozen. The US Market has grown from strength to strength. A few hitting 25% gains within the year on average as we average up. May reach a pause now as we now have sufficient exposure. What to do with some of my US cash ?

The bad thing about moving fund around between markets is forex cost. Maybe I should look for some US denominated local dividend stocks. One interesting counter is HongKongLand USD which has been 22 cent dividends for the past few years. This works out to about 4.2% yield. Below the chart.

However the Math do not add up. The stock price has been on downward trend for the past few years, The amount of dividends collected is far below the capital loss.

Another stock I could check is DairyFarm USD. Chart Below.

Unfortunately, it has the same tune. Why would people want to invest in such counters when their stock price has been on quite an amount of decline of recent years ?

To be clear I am doing this without reading their financials and have them filtered out. Mean time my USD fund will remains in cash. Happy Reading.


CoryLogics Invest Chat - No Coin, No Porn, No Penny
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Articles in this Blog is personal take and educational purposes only. Reader should seek their own professional help when making financial decision and be responsible for their decision.

Oct 2, 2021

Cory Diary : Sep'21 Play

This month is quite tough for capital gain investors. Basically returns shredded quite an amount due to China onslaught of capitalist attributes in Tech, Edu and Prop. And this week we have Energy crisis hitting industrial lands. On America side we have the ongoing foreplay of debt limits which is like never ending story. Think is time they remove it once and for all before we ended up in comatose status.

To be fair, dividend investor got it too in that we probably see more than 2% shredded from our investment value return perspective. If they are core holding, as always riding through it. This aren't our first anyway and it will not be our last. The only consideration is when we can trigger our cheap buys happily.

Dividend Returns

Dividend wise YTD $39,686. Theoretical max $67k for the year. This bring our Dividend Returns to $471, 975 over 16 years plus. In early years, say Year 2005 the dividend just $2492. This stay below $10k for 5 years. Which bring to the point of learning curve hand-in-hand with the compounding effect of returns rolled up. 

Why take such Risk ?

Some people throw most into a super stock. The fact of the matter is if 35% failed, that's mean 35 out of 100 people will be condemned. If 40 stays flat then remainder 25 MAYBE becomes multi-millionaires. This is illogical as life is not 1's or 0's. Many of those 35 who failed can still have very good life without doing this bets.

Portfolio Returns

As for Portfolio returns YTD, the US shares basically cover the Chinese shares losses thanks to Tesla and AMD run up. Which implies the lowered portfolio value is borne by sgx dividend stocks this month and that is ok as the only sure thing is dividend. Maybe not so for those who play heavily in margins.

In net 5.85% Profit YTD after yesterday market falls specifically on Reits.



CoryLogics Invest Chat - No Coin, No Porn, No Penny
Telegram CoryLogics <= Link to Telegram

Articles in this Blog is personal take and educational purposes only. Reader should seek their own professional help when making financial decision and be responsible for their decision.

Jul 29, 2021

Cory Diary : The Secret Trick of Dividend Investing

The Myths

Often people uses DPU as yardstick for evaluation of Reit returns and this is perfect. Obviously nothing matter if the integrity or risk of the Reits are in doubts. If that is the case, why often we see top performer of Reit investor often has low yield Reit ? Many will argue it takes a huge portfolio to achieve the level of dividend needed. That's a huge misconception when one tries to reverse engineer and implied so.

Another key believes is that they buy early in the dividend game, years ago. And so people hope for a big crash before they will consider the same to stretch their dollar. Hello ? did you buy significantly in Mar'20 Covid crash ? If so why is your portfolio still not big ?

Reit Valuation

Valuation of Reit in addition to current yield there is another critical factor which I did not blogged much about and that is price growth. Never mind what's behind that drive it in this article. The essence I want to share is price growth. huh, isn't that blasphemy ? Please hear me out.

In March'21 this year, Mapletree Industrial Trust hits low of 2.52. At this price the current yield is about 5.2% in which DPU roughly 13.2 cents. Some would even say 5%. Not that great and many will ignore it. Fast forward today, less than 5 months later, is now last traded at 2.92 on 7/28. Yield 4.5%.

Now, if we add 13.2 cent and the price delta from Mar to end July of 40 cents, that is 53.2 cents. Now work back the math if we use 53.2 cent / $2.52 = 21% for 5 month works. Think it in yield term this is easily 10 times of March'21, 5.2% yield annualized.

Real Life Example

And this is an example on why I bought Mapletree Industrial Reit this year from Feb to Jul'21 this year. I have a price expectation that it can go higher while I am prepared to wait to collect 13.2 cents annually.  That's the Magic on why Portfolio can compounded fast because is just not dividend even though we are prepared to sit on it. So next time someone tell you his portfolio is small and will take forever to grow, ask him to think again.

I have challenged two huge misconceptions today that most do not know about. And how I grow mine. How much we understand is up to individual. Next, how I know the price has the potential to go much higher ?

That's another Story Telling which sprinkles across in all my articles.

Articles in this Blog is personal take and educational purposes only. Reader should seek their own professional help when making financial decision and be responsible for their decision.

Jul 25, 2021

Cory Diary : Why is Reits affected by Interest Rate

Often we hear analysts or in forum the perception that Increasing Interest Rate will affects the cost of Reits Loans therefore profitability. However the correlations on table below tells a different story that Reits do generally well in high rate environments .  Hope this settle once and for all, the myth or maybe there is deeper issues within.

Interest Rate Impacts

A well managed Reits will pass the cost to tenant. A too drastic increase within a short period do affect Reits short term as majority of tenancy agreements are still in force but that's not the argument here. Some Reits have build-in rental escalation tied to sales and inflation. Nevertheless, cost is able to pass down to tenant mitigating the impact.

Yield Compression

What we know is that when investing in Reits, we looks for yield therefore it is logical that we compared it to other products to decide is it worth the risk or seek better returns. In the scenario movement of Interest Rate upwards, it can cause Yield compression. This make us less willing to invest in Reits unless the yield improves further therefore lowering the stock price.

Competition Examples

Singapore Saving Bond (SSB ) gives 1.5% annualized (each year) for 10 years. Say the rate doubled to 3% and this allows SSB to give higher rate say 2%. Some people who invest in a Reit logically will switch to SSB considering it is basically riskless to capital. Reit price will naturally falls as there will be more sellers.

In situation of no good alternative, REITs price will generally rises with strong economic and stability as investors are willing to take larger risk. Another comparison though not necessary guaranteed is CPF giving 2.5% and 4% to CPF OA and CPF SA respectively. Though riskless, there are limitations and restrictions.

Not all Reits are the same. Some Reits risks are insane. Be careful of Yield Traps and Pitfalls. However, if a Strong Reit is unfairly sold down, remember to "Koi Durians" ! This differentiate Veterans from the Green as Fundamentally, the business unchanged.

If you are interested to know more about Reits. Try this books !

You could be well on the journey to Financial Freedom like me. But please DYODD.

Articles in this Blog is personal take and educational purposes only. Reader should seek their own professional help when making financial decision and be responsible for their decision.

Jul 22, 2021

Cory Diary : Equity Allocation Jul'21

iReit Global

Recent change includes the long awaiting Preferential Offering (PO) finalized. The excess allocation result is kind of surprise yet not. CDP share has more than 2700% excess allocation in term on original rights allocation. This is in consideration that share size is minuscule.

On Custodian account side which is where main bulk of iReit shares are, it is slightly more than 100% excess allocation again in term of original rights given. If we have applied for double the excess, there is likelihood we would have got it as well based on others feedback. This is a surprise. On hindsight, which is a bitch, PP is quite small relative to PO. Well sometimes it takes experience to get through. And then proceed to shade a little off the portfolio to right size the exposure assuming the trading price maintains.


Is on the tear again. Blogged many times on the significant undervaluation. It has keep growing. Unfortunately we couldn't chase as valuation is an Art especially so when we have sizeable exposure already. It is also one that provides the balance factor on different market sentiment days. It has the potential to grow to join the big 5 of the portfolio allowing more diversification and stability needed to compensate on smaller bond size.


Bond investment reduced to 11% but in actual there is expansion in CPF allocation which is not part of this scope. Any interests on Bond/CPF can read ( Here ). Reit allocation lowered to 48% despite recent PO. This is mainly due to reduction of Aims Apac Reit from recent run up. I was second guessing potential rights issue which I have no plan to take up hence the change but on second taught there is possibility of merger which has been rumored for a long time.

We have seen good gains of the portfolio this year. However, there is still room to grow till the end of the year as it has laggards such as Malls and Industrial Reits which will benefit from the recovery of Covid-19 despite hiccups. Maybe we will see 15% allocation if all stars aligned.

Dividend Returns

Dividend generation at sustainable level for the portfolio hits 60k. ( If we leave as it is without injection and say 2% growth, and some dividend growth as well, we will see 4k more dividends each year. This is rough estimate as we need more data with time to get the trend right. The formula will be portfolio value x 2% growth x 5% yield + 2% growth x annual dividend. ) Some injections will push the annual dividend increases to 5k. What this mean is it will take 7 to 8 years for dividend to grow to 100k annual on conservative estimate if we let the portfolio runs on with limited intervention. However, the portfolio which has been living on 7% annualized returns for past decade. So it can be done in 5 years or less. A long stretch goal. Wishful thinking ?

Articles in this Blog is personal take and educational purposes only. Reader should seek their own professional help when making financial decision and be responsible for their decision.

Jul 17, 2021

Cory Diary : The Waiting Game - Dividend Investing

If you are thinking about holding on to the share to collect dividend long term then today Diary is not about it. I have mentioned many times the price of not being in the market. If we use absolute proportion in percentage term say 1 year is 6% yield. 5 years roughly 30% cost for staying away from the market. Therefore is quite risky strategy to play as it can be equivalent to a self create major crash to oneself.

However, there will be times market is so irrational that you wish to buy low to improve your future returns. This happens when there is great fear in the market. Even if one can overcome it, you must have the money to execute it. And this is a dilemma.

Here's an interesting chart on iReit global on the March'20 rout of the market for a fundamentally strong stock. Probably 50% discount. Why people sell after looking through the hindsight mirror is really amazing. What is damn wrong with this Reit stock which we are suppose to collect dividend that people sell at such a low price other than broad market issue.

Interestingly, the best opportunity happens when we could tap on some reserve funds just enough to push us ahead. For example I could reduce my housing installment buffers from 3 years to 2 years. Since I have such fund park in SSB, I would need to rationalise what I could lose doing that. It needs to align with better rates so that I can get them back later.

Releasing fixed deposits are obvious way other than saving. So maybe the best time to retire is when you can get your golden handshake or retirement package. The money has to come in time too. Very Risky ? Maybe so. Dyodd. Since every crash is different. Ideally you have some money lying around. Borrowing maybe interesting option but doesn't seems to align with my upbringing if is for stock market.

Rich ones may try to sell their home quickly if the property is still holding up well and channel the fund to stock market. Savvy ones may try margin borrowing. What are my options ? Maybe a fund that is available due to speculative trading. Is where we cut loss on our long quickly when there is market rout. What others ? 

Will the above chart happen again. You bet it will. Maybe investors will get smarter. Then it can be due to someone being force sold. And that can easily happen when we do leverage in stock market even on fundamentally strong stocks like Ascendas, DBS etc. People just go haywire in market crash. And is a Heaven for dividend yield player.

Articles in this Blog is personal take and educational purposes only. Reader should seek their own professional help when making financial decision and be responsible for their decision.

Jul 2, 2021

Cory Diary : Year 2021 Mid Year Performance

Is quite "Miraculous" that for the past 1.5 years Portfolio has been registering reasonable profit despite how damaging Covid does to our way of life and therefore economy. The fortunate thing is that we still have our jobs. I am still able to get most of my stuffs online. Taking care of both our toddlers at home full time.

One key lesson I learned for this period is not to ignore growth stock therefore initiate my investment in Overseas market. To-date after some adjustment from my initial stakes, I have them consolidated to 4 which combined, is nearly 8% of my Equity portfolio. They have finally registered positive returns after my bad start in technological stocks early this year. I am still in long learning curve and will increase my stake over time. They keep me excited at night.

At the same time, I have released some bond shares to increase my warchest which now grew to more than 6 digit figures. I have applied excess for iReit shares and hopefully this will increase my dividend further. My goal is still to continue to push for higher dividend annually for cashflow which has been great on covering my housing loan. Property is a hedge against inflation plus rental support with comfortable leverage regulated from risk else MAS will not be doing their job. LOL.

One key concept I believe in is very hard for interest rate to increase. I have multiple articles mentioned on this. There maybe fluctuation in-between but the rate overall will stay low. So allocation wise, shares investment is about 40% of my Net worth. Depending on who we talk to, some may say I invest too much while others could feel is too little. I do not have a good answer yet other than reaching a balance level that I can sleep well. And that could well be the answer.

If you have read my earlier article, my focus is on Portfolio Size and Expense variables. ( link )
Which reminds me that I need to continue to find ways to grow my portfolio in a safe manner to support higher expenses.

For the first half of this year, absolute return finally hit near to 7% YTD and just 3 % away from STI Index which has been performing very well this year. Chart on the right. Is a creeping fight, back to back as my portfolio do not have enough Bank shares to grow with STI. Neither do I have enough growth stocks. So to able to close the gap over this time, I am happy. There is still more work to do.

Dividend wise Collected $30,729 which is on track to hit on sustainability basis more than $60k this year. ( 5k jump from Year 2020 ). Portfolio Size hits another ATH ( Chart on the left ) but that includes War Chest in trading account which has ballooned.

I am excited how this will end for Year 2021 with few surprises on my cards

1. Lifting of Bank Curb
2. Oversea Stocks Dynamics
3. iReit PO and Excess
4. Further recovery of Reit shares
5. Vicom result
6. Netlink BNB Tr surprise, if any
7. Currency as my portfolio now have many different exposures



Articles in this Blog is personal take and educational purposes only. Reader should seek their own professional help when making financial decision and be responsible for their decision.

Jun 11, 2021

Cory Diary : Sustainability of Dividend Income

In this post I like to blog about how I try to rise and maintain my conviction in dividend investing. When we talk about dividend investing, the play is about total returns of the stocks. Therefore, DPU + Capital Gain/Loss. What this mean is the measure of shareholder total returns in any of this forms.

Realized gain is actually not so fruitful exercise other than incidental situation to rebalance the portfolio or when there is fundamental change in the company. If one does not have the main mindset of continuing run the dividend business through compounding the portfolio growth with long term skin in the game, this strategy will be painful to your Health. haha. So the first mindset is, we don't realised capital gain or cut loss unless specific condition as mentioned is needed.

Quality Companies come with a price. Reits performance are usually ties to Sponsor, Credibility, Capability and Business. A good sponsor provides support of low funding cost when Reits borrows from the bank. The Reit/Sponsor Credibility is the most important however but as long it satisfies enough returns in a Win-Win situation, investors will be willing to push up prices. Management capability play a big part too. Another key area is the business type. I won't be interested in Ship Business as their depreciation is real and heavy whereas investment in properties are much more robust and can even grow with inflation. 

Yield is tricky. Forward yield is more relevant than current yield when comes to long term investment. It helps to support price and if it doesn't, an opportunity to average down for higher dividend returns in the future with lower cost. Current yield can spikes due to decrease in stock price. So one must do their home work to understand the mechanics on price decrease reasons. If a Reit is sold down without good justification, is a gem to get them. However if we are anticipating consistent poor performance or ticking time bomb ie. First Reit sustainability of contract, high yield can also be a Warning to avoid. When a yield keeps going lower but DPU maintains well, this likely due to increase in stock price. That's mean the Reits are probably doing it right and if this can last over a long time it will look more expensive. There could be situation where the DPU drops with increasing stock price. The Market may feel good about the future but one has to make sure stock price can be sustained.

Business Risk comes in many form. Short Lease, Depreciating Currency, Poor Future Contract, Poor Cycles, High Borrowing Cost, High depreciation, High maintenance cost, High Perpetual Cost, High Gearing, Bad acquisition/Sales, High Taxes, ... . If we feel a specific event could change the dynamics significantly, we may need to re-balance or cut loss. This has nothing to do with whether I still make money from the current investment or not.

Diversification to me helps to mitigate my wrong choice. ie. Retail Reits. For example I use to have CICT mainly. But today FCT is more but I still retain some CICT. In-addition I have MCT on accumulation path for months. Many decision needs not be 1 or 0. Of course to maximize profit, we may have to do that and this are probably for Experts. Am I ? It also depends one's risk appetite. Between counters I may do within sector rebalance as needed with changing market situation. There is also need to look at broader and deeper diversification such as Industrial Reits due to Covid.

This result a Portfolio of Reits where we can play around the allocation with specific needs. If we do this right, we will see compounding growth in Value and sustainable Dividend over many years. After learning for many years, maintaining a dozen stocks of Reits are not really hard because the business usually are not difficult to understand unless one try to be picky say between 1.1 or 1.2 performance differences. And I could be wrong and still be ok and will not be left far behind. Will there be a day we will see a large fall in our portfolio. You Bet ! A 1M size on large crash say 50% drop, is 500k capital loss. A big test on you. Will you Hold, Buy or Sell ?

Thinking ....


Articles in this Blog is personal take and educational purposes only. Reader should seek their own professional help when making financial decision and be responsible for their decision.

Apr 16, 2021

Cory Diary : Where are we now on Reits ?

Many of our quality local Reits are now in the range of 4%-5% yield. This is still much better than keeping the money in the banks enjoying miserable returns. One could say that well the stock price can fluctuates therefore potential for capital loss. However this is true if we trying to time our capital returns through trading and not about investing in the business.

When we look into our investment holistically, is a businesses that provides us returns in addition to recovering markets from Covid Impacts. Therefore chances are we will also have capital gains in near to mid terms. However such gains are in the mercy of the market sentiments and macro conditions. If one is to own a business, does it really matter whether how the auditor value your NTA (Stock price) or the criteria should be how much cash flow it is generating into your "CEO" pocket.

On this perspective, a well established business, can provide constant positive returns way above bank saving, fixed deposits or even CPF interests rate. The key measure will be sustainability of the business, growth and income. What if we continue to wait it out. The risk is lowering rates and therefore lower yields. Every quarter or half yearly reit investors still receive the dpu in which the returns could be buffered up for further compounding against market direction.

For the more savvy reit investors, we could look into Reits dominant in oversea markets denominated in US, Euro or Pounds. This Reits are views more risky due to currency, foreign market condition,  regulations and signs. Why "Signs". EHT has taught investors a big lesson on how screwed up it can be and that just looking at yield is a recipe for disaster. Taking a rear mirror view, a young unknown mgmt team, major shareholder selling, a depleted ship, poor travel reviews on its hotels, ....

We can go further on with Sabana, Lippo or First Reit. That we need to monitor our investments on what Sponsor or Management do. Sometimes integrity go a long way than just initial years of good returns track record. It can be their long fishing line too. Don't be their fish ! Always be prepared to Cut loss.

Now I look at the few riskier reits using Elite Com as an example. Elite - Con - old builds, limited contracts. Pro - Has started paying dividends. Government tenants. Premium rights issue. Weighted the Pro and Con. Based on current information, I could put some. This will help push up the portfolio yield a bit. And that's the bit we need. However don't be a sleeping investor. We have quite a number of screwed cases. Do our Maths. Close scrutiny on the management and sponsor. Track records. Be less forgiving.

Final note, look at Reit as a Simple to understand Business you would like to own for long term, and chances are we will do well in the investing journey.


Articles in this Blog is personal take and educational purposes only. Reader should seek their own professional help when making financial decision and be responsible for their decision.

Dec 13, 2020

Cory Diary : Misconceptions of Dividend Investing

From experiences that I had so far, here's the collection that one should watch out or be reminded on the misconception of Dividend Investing.

1. Yield is Everything

This cannot be right. If Yield is all that's matter, investment of such can be automated to the highest yield and nothing left for other lower risk assets. Does this make sense ? Money where got so easy to earn. Want to gamble, go Casino better because better odds !

In reality, one needs to filter out High Risk from the portfolio before allocation of different other risk levels before yield. As you notice, I do not have EHT, Lippo in my portfolio. High Risk Reits are a Time Bomb. Is a matter of when.

First Reit is managed out from the portfolio in Year 2019 with cut loss at 0.945 when the risk is not worth to hold. And that is at a year where the Portfolio has a Record Profit of 20% XIRR. A mindset of never ever feel rich to lose money.

2. Rights are bad for dividend Investing

Any old time Reit players will tell you there is good opportunities to profit from Rights Issue. And if we are to go this dividend path, one should not be feared of Rights Issue. Is it exactly this fear that allow people to profit from you.

In solid Reits so far such as FCT, CICT, Ascendas, Mapletree etc even without subscribing to Rights does not mean your DPU will be materially impacted. Do nothing can still be ok.

3. NAV Valuation

Can be quite misleading. One recent example is First Reit where their NAV is off rental income from the property. However how is the rental derived can be from complex negotiations between the Reit Manager and the Sponsor or the Tenants where there can be consideration for other compensations that is material. This is make worst if there is credibility issue with the Sponsor who artificially jack up the property prices to the Reit they controlled.

4. Gearing

The formula for Reit is Total Debts / Total Asset. Any other formula that you read from Quarterly, Half Yearly or Annual Reports are just to communicate a better result view. Another way to give the impression of lower gearing is through Preference Shares which is not counted into debt therefore one has to be careful.

5. Capital Gains

Dividend investing doesn't mean we lose out in Capital gain or loss. While the stock price tends to come down upon ex-dividend, due to constant earning of the underlying businesses, the stock generally will fill back the gap. And with ever decreasing rate, the attractiveness of profitable businesses can push up the stock prices. But one do have to remember they aren't tech stock and should never have such mindset on their performance. Like many stocks, they also float with the market tide but with varying degrees. There will always be good and badly run Reits.

6. Cost of Debts

Ability to raise fund with lower cost makes running a company much easier. So this helps in your stock selection when we are ranking similar companies except cost of debts !

