CoryLogics Invest Chat - No Coin, No Porn, No Penny
Nov 20, 2022
Cory Diary : Stagflation - Net Worth
Jul 10, 2022
Cory Diary : Net Worth Progress - Diversification of Assets Classes
CoryLogics Invest Chat - No Coin, No Porn, No Penny
Apr 2, 2022
Cory Diary : Alignment of Net Worth Tracker
Jan 8, 2022
Cory Diary : Net Worth Trend Updates
Primary Tasks1. CPF Top-Up to Max ( VC3AC )2. Increase Investment in Growth Stocks. Need to explore how much.3. Dividend Target 60k4. Sell Vested Stock allocation5. Put a portion of the emergency cash into Fixed Deposits6. Use more stroller instead of cab
7. Trip to Tainan for Holiday
8. 8% minimum warchest allocation
9. 5% - 5.5% cash allocation
10. No major adventure. Look for mitigation investment strategy.
11. Annual Parent allowances - completed
Secondary Tasks
1. Children CPF Top Up / CDA Top Up
2. Personal MA Top Up3. Try S&P500 if there are enough correction
Jan 2, 2022
Cory Diary : Financial Report 2021
Nov 6, 2021
Cory Diary : Net Worth Nov'21
Sep 18, 2021
Cory Diary : Annual Net Worth Growth Rate
Jun 4, 2021
Cory Diary : Net Worth Updates
Seems a long time that I last did my Net Worth report. Some time ago I do some revamp on my Chart to make it even more easier to manage with lesser time. During this period I learned how to use macro in Excel to do VBA. Quite excited about it as this add a layer of automation to my learning. It is much simpler than I thought it would be. Maybe I can start to learn to do some tool for my colleagues as automation is sorely lacking even though we have some power tools using VBA, BI and Power BI.
I added a trend line in my chart just for fun. Though it might gives the impression of exponential type of feel into my net worth growth, seriously I doubt it can last. I am going 52 and looking forward to age 55 as a milestone which I could ask for retirement. Frankly I am not sure I would when time arrives. Nevertheless is something I look forward to in the aging process as an option which is favorable by then.
Back of my mind is I could be "retired" before 55 but this seems less likely for now as the company business is doing well. They even give a special bonus to boost Work-From-Home Morale. When you are at my age, we are earning a much higher salary that is near the peak of our career. The cost of retirement would be costly. So there is always the motivation or to some fear factor in play.
I am thinking should I do a comparison against my previous net worth report but is quite a hassle when I want to go sleep asap. I am nodding off.... . Instead I would focus on a particular highlight in the chart and talk about it which is the securities + MMF line in the chart. Is getting more steeper which basically is the result of my action to optimize wealth generation. Therefore channeling idle fund to more active use. There is still some gap to fill except that sizeable amounts allocated for War Chest needs. So the easy picking is reduced.
Articles in this Blog is personal take and educational purposes only. Reader should seek their own professional help when making financial decision and be responsible for their decision.
Mar 31, 2021
Cory Diary : Historical Milestone - Net Worth
Aug 22, 2020
Cory Diary : Net Worth - Fighting Mode
Jun 28, 2020
Cory Diary : Net Worth - Just looking at the Chart

The Yellow line is the investment in Stock market and Gov securities which in total maintained. Showing some similar story of nearly a V-shaped recovery. However, equity dividend expectation has increased to $62k at current invested amount.
With major items like Tax, Parental allowances, Confinement costs and most of normal cost for 2nd daughter delivery already paid, 2nd half should see higher net worth unless the stock market has 2nd dip. This is mitigated with sizable FD, SSB and cash. Investment wise, retaining dividends, saving and 75% of warchest amount remaining for it.
Jan 13, 2020
Cory Diary : Investment Income
As one grow older, various income source comes into play. What best to represent it is to show the Net Worth chart and the allocation within. Financially few things Cory did or don't.
1. Move most OA funds to CPF SA
2. Continue to leave some amount of CPF in Property Loan for another year
3. Continue to have SSB Max Out
4. Have at least 3 years buffers to support housing loan in FD
5. Transferred Allowances to parents. Happy New Year !
6. Annual Bonus to Nanny. Very Professional Nanny.
Cory long term goal is to have salaried income replaced by equity income that is more passive. This seems quite illusive with annual adjustment ! LOL ! Like many people who come from humble background, and has no business acumen, we just have to learn to save or we have to learn through business failures of which most of us could not afford without safety net. How long it takes to save and build up do depends on how much delay gratification we want. This amount becomes very handy once a door open.
One main door open is Stocks Market. While Cory cannot run business, he can find good managers who can do this for him. So this is rather passive income. The trick is how to stay profitable in this business. This is especially make possible when the information gap is narrowed between institutions and retailers. And technology allows cheaper trading and more sophisticated products. Of-course experience in the market matters a lot. And then the saving slowly move in.
The next door opened when he starts to invest in property. This hurdle is harder to cross due to property curbs and needs for cash-flow to sustain. This is different from buying a property for one stay. The mindset is for investment gains and rental components. So why explore this ?
Like to mentioned Cory is not an expert and needs more buffers but the logic seems clear as below.
Cory is no longer young. Getting a loan will be harder. And it will be tough when one is without work one day. So if one want to invest in property, time is an essence too.
20% down for single property is like 5x leverage of a big sum of money. The mindset is quite different from stock investment where Cory do not leverage at all.
Loan is relatively cheap with low rates. Even after all the misc costs, and even so rental unable to cover all the loans, as long the interests part (not the principal) of the loan is well covered into good portion of the principal payment, theoretically one is making good money.
The rates may go up but by then the loan would have been serviced for some period of time and there will be more options. Ideally we like it to be in as long as possible, and as much as possible with comfortable buffer as property loan is one of cheapest to tap on.
Capital appreciation factor for those with good location. Is more pricey logically. With land limited Singapore, unless we are seeing something like no future for Singapore, with inflation the price general trend is upwards with fluctuation in-between that can be quite volatile.
As long one is able to service, after rental, is quite hard to lose money after all the costs. The main risk is cash-flow which is why Cory put this as top priority to mitigate and not to assume Rental Income is sufficient.
What will be the next door ?
Dec 20, 2019
Cory Diary : Income and Expense 2019
Year 2019 is special because Cory becomes a father to a baby girl. Unlike most parents, financially Cory is much more ready. The thing lacking is experience which Wife will always take care or be ready to remind Uncle Cory ..... . Nevertheless, raising baby is really not easy. The good thing is we have Baby Bonus supports and this do help some. Fortunately, company is also supportive and provide as much work from home time and leaves as needed.
Expenses wise, as previously blogged ( link ), kind of exploded and will not come down significantly for years. Good problem to have. How to fix it is to ensure that we have higher saving prior, predictable income, investments or saving to mitigate which the last option is not a viable plan for wife 😂.
For 2019 Income, Cory has a good bonus. This helps to pay for Income Tax and Parents Allowances. A nice surprise is that some of the Company Stock has also come into vesting period and this help to add into the year end 2nd Bonus. Hmm, why has this becomes a so look forward thing ...
For 2019 Expenses, the value expects to cross $140, 000. This is inclusive of home loan which is a major ticket item. However, Net worth and Income Returns looks able to match the increase in spending ( above chart ).
As Cory has stake in lower levels investment returns such as SSB and FDs, all additional savings could go into higher equity returns in Year 2020 to build higher dividend income plan. Investment returns wise, returns has been quite significant which will be blogged later once year ended. Touch-wood it will not change negatively by then.
Before signing off. Two wishes from Birthday Boy.
1. To do : Things that we could change. ie. Continue working.
2. Not to do : Focus on things that we could not change. Negative thoughts.
Jun 3, 2019
Cory Diary : Leapfrog your wealth
There are ways to leapfrog our wealth. Coming from below middle income family, and choosing a down-to-earth wife ( hee hee ), marriage do helps but inheritance from our families are out. Neither do our families have business acumen. So I would say today my siblings and we are above middle income. Hey, that's what makes Singapore incredible isn't it ? As long we work hard and smart, with a little luck and opportunity, we are contented.
As previously blogged, I am a "Value Saver" but I aren't frugal. I can spurt a dinner that cost few hundreds, and renovation in good 5 digits. As a value/dividend stock investor, this bring me quite a good sum to my net-worth. Of-course this won't happen fast enough if I do not have monthly salary and saving, and then equity investment.
Now, I can add that Property Investment as another option to propel. See chart below. With the mark-to-market valuation based on recent residential transactions of surrounding properties on the same development. Of-course some friends would say as long I don't sell, is only paper gain. This actually applies to my dividend stocks too. Nevertheless, Net-worth is the market value you have.
My thinking is whether we sell it or not is subjective. Holding cash in an inflationary environment is losing money too so I rather put my money to work continuously. Unless we are doing short term speculative trade, taking profit to realize the gain is cutting our game short as a good hedge against inflation.
Property provides a strong underlying asset base so I am in the mentality of "Never Sell". It can be also be an insurance that if needed, I could use it for downgrade therefore the more I would like to hold it for long term appreciation to be meaningful.
What I find amazing from this experience is how fast the pace of property appreciation and loan leverage can do to one's net-worth. No wonder our government needs to introduce curbs to rein them in to ensure more stable market. As for another sharing based on my limited experience, I realised the surrounding properties about few hundred meters away do not appreciate much at all for the same period. A real example of location of property matters in value appreciation.
In summary, the list of Wealth Accumulation.
1. Monthly Salary - Yes
2. Property Investment - Yes
3. Stock Investment - Yes
4. Marriage
5. Saving - Yes
6. Inheritance
7. Business
Apr 20, 2019
Cory Diary : Net Worth updates 2019 Apr

Jan 8, 2019
Cory Diary : Asset Tracker 2019-0108
Dec 1, 2018
Cory Diary : Asset Tracker 2018-1201
I am 49. I wish I could say at 55 I would really shout that is it ! I am on full retirement. That will be a goal to achieve but not something I would really do.
Anyway, cut it short. Here's my chart.
May 28, 2018
Cory Diary : Net Worth 20180526

Breakdown of my Net Worth is as above. If we are to count Gov Sec, Bond/Pref and Equity, total percentage is 51%. That's a good improvement since I last tracked them at 44% (link). Deposits/Saving reduced to 20% accordingly.
Equity and Bond/Pref
Half the segment is in Trust/Reit. So I am a believer of dividend play. Started increasing my US stocks tracked for growth. Feels pretty good so far on the move and has been slowly increasing my allocation to it. This make sense considering globalization of the world we are in and optimising potential of larger growth. The hassle is currency rate and exchanges for tracker.
A bit tricky in my excel computation to make it more automated. However, I like the fun throughout. One good thing about US trade is the diversification to the Singapore currency. A stronger Singapore dollar has a negative implication to my USD investment. The trading cost is higher through local broker.
Net Property
Value after loan deduction. Owning a property is a good hedge against inflation and a good diversification from equity. Furthermore there is place you can reside and call home. Tracking the value means the re-sale value done in the market to give a rough estimation of my property.
Property asset is highly leveraged so this sector health is dependent on employment to keep up with payment. One of the key aspect of owning property is the monthly installment and interest rates. This needs to be monitored and re-financing timely.
With current ongoing en-block fever, there will be market for new and resale private properties. So I do see some good support as long the rate is kept low enough to support borrowing. In my view TDSR is just a delay fuse. Once the initial shock is overcome, it will be a proportionate control valve to income.
Current Singapore yield has decreased from few years back, however if we think is norm that yield has to come back up for property to flourish like before then my only concern is norm could change in one form or another. Assumption may not be valid in the future.
Gov Securities, Saving and Fixed Deposits
Gov Securities is where I park my housing emergency funds. This will help minimize the risk that I have to sell my dividend generation equities to cover my future payment plan in the event I do not have a regular job.
Technically, Saving/Fixed Deposits portion of asset is not put to active use. In absolute value this is large sum of money. In tiering investment structure for efficiency, this should be the least combined. Will need to find opportune to tap on them further. Time wait for no man. Every month here, I lose some to inflation and opportunity cost. For a salary man this cost is large.
Changed my mind to sell off my policy considering the surrender value is returning 4% therefore it makes no sense to increase idle saving pool. Yes, life is about change. Admission is free.
Jan 22, 2018
Cory Diary : Net Worth Insights
As a reminder, this chart is from a salaried man, not a spender, as in lifestyle has not change much for past 15 years. Neither is there inheritance nor toto money in it as I would wish to have. The vertical axis is the dollar value. It tracks my net worth ( top line ), liquid asset (mid) and Sg Equity ( bottom ) over the years. The Sg Equity will need more time to develop and comprehend.
There are exceptions in the chart. My Insurance value did not truly reflect the surrender value but estimated conservative valuation. Excluded is foreign equity which are tied to cash values, share options and corporate shares which can be material. Value will also change with currency rate and mix.
Net worth line has been growing nicely. On liquidity line, takes me less than 2 years to recover to my pre-investment level in a private apartment. Half due to equity investment returns and the other from salary and bonuses.
Next, the details of the Net Worth is make up as below. Almost 1/3 equity, 1/3 long term and 1/3 short term. This has not change for some time.
The main issue I see now is that the saving segment is too large and my 2018 goal is to allocate them into more productive use. Whatever I do, the allocated amount has to be safe and available to support my investment property payment needs. Some portion to return all of my CPF loans. I probably need to compute it correctly to ensure I have ample cash level as it will be a hassle to withdraw CPF and impossible after 55.
Jan 3, 2018
Cory Diary : Financial Well-being Ending 2017
Year 2017 has been awesome for many investors. Based on many financial bloggers so far, double digits gain are a norm. And this keeps me thinking about how unfair to saver is where some will die for $1000 while those who are more adventurous makes $100K extra just sitting in his living room tweeting with his spare time.
Even when one step out of his comfort domain, a double digits gain of 10K in absolute returns are no where near to one with 100K portfolio for example. And here come the chicken and egg things. We need to achieve a good size portfolio to benefit from scale and returns but we can't jump the gun as we need to fall and learn when small, and grow them. This takes time for most people probably.
Saving and Net Worth
In 2017, I have achieved 45% in saving from salary and bonus. This is a nice surprise since I do not track them deliberately to save. It just occurs naturally to me what is worth to buy and value to enjoy however I knew spending were up given that I have been giving regular treats to friends and colleagues. Total Net worth is probably up 10%, and that's quite significant for me on the last decade of my working lifespan.
Anxiety Freak
One of the blessings I had is not having dividend target in my early years. I only have few K dividend then and they just happens to receive it. They just grew slowly over the years with portfolio size. I did a re-balance in 2013 and never look back. However if I am to start with a dividend target on current size that time it can be a bit demoralising. There won't be target for 2018 on Net worth as usual as there aren't a robust plan and specific needs to start. I will leave this for the future. Liquid net worth portion increased by almost 12% and this do allows me to project a higher SG equity dividend target of 45k-50k. A situation where money grow money.
One step at a time
One last thing for today into my diary. The road to prosperity for people without inheritance or financially strong family are not that straight forward. We need to find our way to get the best education within financial limit. And then get a good job and save to grow our Net Worth. To learn financial literacy from scratch is something oneself has to fix. One is handicapped if we are not optimally invested. Is even harder when we do not have a regular job to save the required to build. Even when we overcome all this problems, able to invest and win enough is another challenge investors have to beat. But this is not impossible to start doing something today in baby step that I have went through. And the bottom lies with Passion I feel. Once we open our minds to it and have a plan that can overcome the risk adversity.
Happy 2018