Showing posts with label NetLink NBN Tr. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NetLink NBN Tr. Show all posts

May 12, 2021

Cory Diary : Netlink NBN Trust : Bao Jiak Business ?

Half Yearly Report just out. 5.1 cent dividend. Respectable returns. Far from Tech and Crypto and slightly lower than average reits returns iirc of different level risk. With a yield of 5.2% annualized, this is 1.2% higher than government guaranteed CPF SA account.

Netlink NBN Tr is a regulated business on how much they can profit. At current rate, is not significantly overvalued and I would think regulatory will continue to let it move along current direction for the foreseeable future.

Residential growth slowed to a crawl in this Q4FY21 but filled by NBAP/Segments during this Covid period. This mean leaving rooms for future residential opportunities. People who want stable income with some level of capital protection, this maybe good stock to be in considering most of it businesses are sole managed for practicality.

The current risk is 5G technology which may derailed their consumer side on last mile profits if they are not going to tap on their home fibre network. Nevertheless this tech is still far from many homes which has denser connect points, immediate needs for the next few years at current media download, normal use and gaming are quite sufficient for majority of people.

There is mention about more debt head room and new investment opportunities. This sounds interesting.

Note from report

"NetLink Group’s distribution policy is to distribute 100% of its cash available for distribution (“CAFD”), which includes distributions received from its wholly-owned subsidiary NetLink Trust (“NLT”). NLT’s distribution policy is to distribute at least 90% of its distributable income to the Trust after setting aside reserves and provisions 
for, amongst others, future capital expenditure (including the funding of a capital expenditure reserve fund pursuant to regulatory requirements), debt repayment and working capital as may be required. Distributions by NetLink Group will be made on a semi-annual basis, with the amount calculated as at 31 Mar and 30 Sep each year for the 6-month period ending on each of the said dates"


Articles in this Blog is personal take and educational purposes only. Reader should seek their own professional help when making financial decision and be responsible for their decision.

Aug 9, 2019

Cory Diary : Trades - 2019-0809

I have been looking further into banks but find it not easy to buy more considering the interests rates are being talked down. Getting more Reits are a bit tricky. CMT and FCOT do have some lows past few weeks period but I do not have a chance to investigate further with my recent hospitalization. CMT yield is quite low so my keenness is limited and happy with what I have currently. Buying high yield with weak fundamental is risky. I rather leave my cash alone. They aren't the same league as Ascendas, Frasers, Mapletree or Capitaland breeds ...

STI Index

STI Index has seen rather dynamic swings whereas Cory portfolio has been rather mute. Other than Reits stability, I found could be the bonds which I have expanded to lock in some of my gains. A detail checks on my record I did do a smallish cash injection via my the other trading account. I did another cash injection  when STI went low again recently. This move up my STI Index allocation to more than 12% of my portfolio. This will also align to my interests if STI decides to move back up.


As you may know, I have been ranting how small my exposure is in this counter. So I do some buying which boost my Portfolio Yield despite the price has run up this year. I feel there is sufficient positive to have a large stake in. I am more interested in their other businesses. So a bet there will be some growth while able to continue to support the dividend yield (excluding special dividends). This is quite an illiquid counter. You can't buy much and I suspect you can't do much shorts as the counter can spikes and you will be caught with pants down for a long time.


I have been holding from averaging down on Singtel till i see sufficient signs. The last one is the quarterly report which is kind of below expectation. This mean I need to wait for another quarter to review. Meantime, I reduce my stake further to lock in some gains YTD to buy more into Vicom. I almost decide to sell the remainder of Singtel to manage my counter numbers but decides otherwise as there could be rebound that I will hate to miss.

Netlink BNB Tr

As you may be aware . I am back on securing some from this counter. Frankly, the feeling is good as the price goes back up quicker than I expected. So is just a small moon in my bubble chart. Nevertheless, I am glad to be able to get some.

My family and I are very well vested in Singapore. We hope Singapore continues to prosper. So our wishes may this continues !

Happy National Day, Singapore !



Feb 13, 2019

Cory Diary : NetLink NBN Trust Q3 is out !

Have been keenly anticipating for this quarterly report. Here's the interesting part for the same News by Shentonwire and BT respectively..

SW : NetLink NBN Trust reports fiscal 3Q net profit of S$19.6 million, above IPO forecasts

BT : NetLink NBN Trust Q3 net profit down by 9.4% as costs mount

One is as expected due to investments. The other see it negatively as rising costs.
Who is right ?

We can confirm at the end of tomorrow's trading day for market sentiment but long term I support SW report of-course (vested).


Jan 22, 2019

Cory Diary : NetLink NBN Tr

Have been doing some investigations into 5G Technology. This is the biggest concern on whether is overall plus or negative to NetLink NBN Tr in regard to Home Network.

5G can run hundred of times faster than current 4G. If is just for Video, 4G is enough today. So it has to offer more than that such as latency, VR, Iot and remote services. It can also put less  reliant on cable to remote places which will be costly to lay.

For Singapore which is heavily built up, Home Fibre Optics connection is almost everywhere. So will 5G replace fibre optics home network ? A few consideration comes to my mind.

1. 5G tech runs on MilliWaves. What this means literally is that even trees can block your transmission signal. So walls is no no. With condo and HDB everywhere, transmission is tough.
2. High dense cells network needed and they have to run on infra backbone.
3. Is fast, very fast. The package probably has to be on unlimited data plan.
4. Stability of connections. It could be fragile and would need layers of support.
5. Safety and dependency on use.

All the above means High Cost to implement and subscribe. This will also impact Service Provider profitability selling data plans.

Possible Options

1. Tap existing home fibre network for 5G routers. Fast and cheap.

2. Unsightly installation of base cells everywhere. Not all homes will have access.
High amount of maintenance and installation complexity on every home each with unique conditions.

3. 5G not needed for most home application. Not needed. Maybe 7-10 years later when VR is a big hit and very mature. By then, Fibre Optics may have catch up in speed.

4. Mobile plan hot spot is too expensive and will be years later. And due to mobility, home appliances will be without network service when away.

With Option 1, is pretty obvious NetLink NBN Tr is here to stay.


Apr 15, 2018

Cory Diary : Compiling NetLink NBN Tr

NetLink NBN Tr - closer review

IPO price S$0.81 at lower band range. S$2.3 billion IPO is the biggest in Singapore since 2011. Singtel will hold about 24.99 per cent of the units in NetLink NBN Trust, which will own all of the units of NetLink Trust.

Consists of 10 Central Offices and approximately 76,000 km of fibre cable, 16,200 km of ducts, and 62,000 manholes then. Providing services for 89% of the residential homes in Singapore (2017). NLT is the sole network company for Next Gen NBN, it dominates the wholesale provision of dark fibre connections for residential premises.

3Q18 earnings came in at $21.7 million, 32.5% higher than IPO forecast, due to lower operating and staff costs. "The first distribution period will be for the period from 19 June 2017 to 31 March 2018 and will be paid on or before 29 June 2018. However, July'17 is when it get listed. About 8 month plus.

Unsecured loan 588,542,000 @ 2.53%
Units : 3,896,971,100
Depreciation : $36,897,000

Annualized Yield ( Price 81 cts )

Dividend cost @5% Yield  ~ $158M
Expect to achieve from cash flow.

Dividend cost @6% Yield ~ $190M. DPU will be 4.86 cents.

High side would be @7% yield. ~ S$221M cost. Stars need to be aligned to hit this. Alternatively, stock price has to go down to 69.4 cents if we maintain 4.86 cents dividends.

The upside is stable population or growth projection. Stable Earning. Low maintenance. Singtel major shareholder. Control of operating cost is especially key. The other will be commercial space expansion.The hope is most of the infra can last more than 15 Years. Therefore maintenance cost will be relatively low supporting cash flow for dividends.

The risk could be interest rate which will be few years later relative to earning. Technology and Competitor  not in visible horizon. However, infra cost needs to be monitored that could affect earning. Will be interesting to read next earning report and the first actual dividend for the 8 months.


Jul 26, 2017

Cory Diary : Recent Trade Actions 20170726

STI has been almighty this year. And i start reviewing my portfolio for more stringent safety.
The changes are on my personal trades and those that I can remember offhand. Please DYODD.


With the run-up this year on this Pref shares and the profit guidance just announced, I decided to clear my little holding I have for 10% returns this year. Net for this counter is slightly negative. The catalyst possibly the sale of Singapore Plant but I decided not to wait.

NetLink NBN Tr

I have expanded my holding in this counter. My take is that annualized yield is reasonable and good cash flow (FCF) should be good for coming quarters. The ducts have long service life and cables probably good for long term. Therefore the depreciation of asset is more for accounting and no impact to FCF. The risk of technology is there but I think is low. Monopoly in retail market is a good plus and the recurring income is nice. Returns of more than 5.x% is good enough.
