Showing posts with label Trading. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Trading. Show all posts

Dec 13, 2019

Cory Diary : Mini-Repeat of Sell Down of Reits Stocks

Yesterday STI Index was up. Interestingly, many of the key Reits are down. This have some similarity whenever there is longer term view that interest rates have dropped enough especially when the trade deal could conclude positively.

As blogged earlier ( link ) , and the shift to Banking Sectors. This has acted as counter balance to the Reits. While Cory can never be sure they will always be on opposite polarity, it does put the portfolio at much lower risk which makes a lot of comfort sense.

Will this trend continue will be anyone guess. Hope that there is some attractive valuation for Cory to pick from the ground.

In the meantime, Cory steals some Astrea 3.85% lots before Ex-dividend. If calculation is correct still get roughly 3% yield. The funny thing is Cory sold some Frasers 3.65% Bond to the market to par down his 6 digits interests to 5. To shift some of 3.65% yield asset to 3% is something to wrap about. As long one is happy, who cares.

Cory also decided to expand a little more into AGT for the yield and of-course the bonus will be the buyout. Talking about Bonus, Year 2019 Bonus is quite cool. Looks like is good to work as long as possible. 😎

Anyone watched "The Mandalorian" ? Investment can be lonely ....


Sep 5, 2019

Cory Diary : Retail Investor Returns for 2019

The local SGX market as mentioned previously has been dynamic swings. If we have invested in just STI Index, we would probably next to zero returns excluding dividends for 2019. However, what about a community of local keen investors do in this market so far ?

Here's the survey result for Retailer Investors from keen group of stock investors.

Below is how the survey is framed.

The distribution is really interesting because of the extreme ends of the returns have much higher votes. Is not like the normal distribution we often see where we have the mountain shaped or maybe skewed of it. The survey reflects inverted result. Do note there is only 57 votes.

How do you do ?



Aug 9, 2019

Cory Diary : Trades - 2019-0809

I have been looking further into banks but find it not easy to buy more considering the interests rates are being talked down. Getting more Reits are a bit tricky. CMT and FCOT do have some lows past few weeks period but I do not have a chance to investigate further with my recent hospitalization. CMT yield is quite low so my keenness is limited and happy with what I have currently. Buying high yield with weak fundamental is risky. I rather leave my cash alone. They aren't the same league as Ascendas, Frasers, Mapletree or Capitaland breeds ...

STI Index

STI Index has seen rather dynamic swings whereas Cory portfolio has been rather mute. Other than Reits stability, I found could be the bonds which I have expanded to lock in some of my gains. A detail checks on my record I did do a smallish cash injection via my the other trading account. I did another cash injection  when STI went low again recently. This move up my STI Index allocation to more than 12% of my portfolio. This will also align to my interests if STI decides to move back up.


As you may know, I have been ranting how small my exposure is in this counter. So I do some buying which boost my Portfolio Yield despite the price has run up this year. I feel there is sufficient positive to have a large stake in. I am more interested in their other businesses. So a bet there will be some growth while able to continue to support the dividend yield (excluding special dividends). This is quite an illiquid counter. You can't buy much and I suspect you can't do much shorts as the counter can spikes and you will be caught with pants down for a long time.


I have been holding from averaging down on Singtel till i see sufficient signs. The last one is the quarterly report which is kind of below expectation. This mean I need to wait for another quarter to review. Meantime, I reduce my stake further to lock in some gains YTD to buy more into Vicom. I almost decide to sell the remainder of Singtel to manage my counter numbers but decides otherwise as there could be rebound that I will hate to miss.

Netlink BNB Tr

As you may be aware . I am back on securing some from this counter. Frankly, the feeling is good as the price goes back up quicker than I expected. So is just a small moon in my bubble chart. Nevertheless, I am glad to be able to get some.

My family and I are very well vested in Singapore. We hope Singapore continues to prosper. So our wishes may this continues !

Happy National Day, Singapore !



Jul 23, 2019

Cory Diary : Trades 2019 June/July

Been some time since I last blog on my trades. This beauty on the left has been getting quite an attention from me. Before I get suck in again, thought I could  give an updates on what I can remember on my trades. Hopefully, I get a bigger picture on what I am doing from my silly moves. 

Do note I am no expert and just sharing of what I have done. As is a re-collection, some details and trades will not be available and could have error. By no means should one based on my article to make your investment decisions. I could be well vested and be selling to you. haha. thanks for milk powder contribution if you did ! However, I am quite well vested in the market due to dividend play.

Here we go. I am back holding some Netlink BNB Tr on recent price weakness. Just small amount to improve my portfolio yields a little bit more but wouldn't want to get caught and lose back my gains on this counter. Is a far cry of what I have in the past.

Decided to let go ValueMax to balance my counters. There has been some movement  and I am not surprise others may get a better price than me after. XIRR 8% which is about 4% kopi profits. With that I am left with 2 SMEs.

Manage to up my DBS some more and benefited from recent rise. The actual reason is more of lack of upside in Reits after the 1st half feat which I personally feel is late gratification. Due to relatively rich valuation, upside is harder but not impossible just lesser gains. However I do not think we can rate Reits like other stocks as the rise is due ever lowering yields which means the price can last a long time at this level while earning catches up.

There are a few stocks which I almost like to enter and decided not. Great Eastern, Frasers L&R Tr, Frasers CPT Tr ... due to variety of reasons. Maybe the Reits reporting season will give me a good hunch.

The mistake which I still feel the pain is Vicom. I have too little ... and I am not comfortable to average up. Kiasi me again ...


May 1, 2019

Cory Diary : Trading Attributes ?

I remember vaguely 20 years ago as a fresh graduate trying to dabble in stock market. Days where returns can be 100% returns of my small investment within few months. I would often tried the warrants which are quite popular too. Don't get me wrong. Any monkey would have make a profit throwing darts. Making money was that easy. It was broker days.

Quickly moved on to reading Annual Reports and getting NTA mainly after. My vision scope is the value of the company if to fail as a baseline. And from there to find value. Right from the start in my investment journey, my return started with positive returns. I was searching for mathematical correlation.

Fast forward today. Warrants are now an alien culture to me. I am still in positive net returns amid much stronger net returns. This days I try to simplify my investment. If is too complex to understand, forget about value methodology. Macro deduction will be used instead. Reits and Trusts are much easier to size up. Management Integrity, Future and DPU.

However I still have the gambling blood in me. On and off I will dabble in speculative positions but is relatively small in size. Today I got a few statistics in my finger tips below. Trying to see short term trading still make sense. Maybe is better to spend more time for other activities to keep my blood boiled.

Year 2019 YTD ( Book value at 31 Dec 2018 till now which is 4 months )
(updated for privacy) 

Can't tell much about trading performance so far as is tied to investment capital size. What we can say is that it is almost double current dividends received for the period. Portfolio unrealized return is more than 4 times of Trading P/L. 

Dividends, Trading Profit, Non-Trading Profit are in the Ratio of 1:2:8 respectively.  Expense Ratio : 0.19% . 35 trades for the 4 months period. 

Looks like better in dividend investing and spotting undervalue stocks through it. Does that means trading performance is bad ? Portfolio Yield is 10%. STI would be slightly better.

You tell me how to read the above data to deduce. Free money certainly.



Apr 28, 2019

Cory Diary : Trading updates 20190428

Good news is XIRR Year to date has hit 10% for my portfolio. Bad news is my max theoretical dividend based on existing portfolio holding has just go below $47K due to profit taking so I am thinking should I address it. Reason being some of those I sold has received dividends prior so I could still achieve $50K dividend this year.

Singapore market has been good based on STI Index with just 4 months. I have no special plan for Sell-in-May scenario. If it does happen, I have fund available which will be great. Here's my recent trades.

Ascendas Reit

Took profits on some of Ascendas Reit. This is the 2nd time I did it. So my size is again smaller today. Still hold sizable amount so I will benefit from it if it continues to rise further. The "kiasi" in me want to play safe. So my next problem is how to divert the fund to another counter which is quite safe with reasonable yield. Cash management account is now  about 10% of my portfolio.

First Reit

Tried out some but cut loss. Kopi money size .... haiz. I don't have the mental stamina on this weaker fundamental counter. Quite obvious I am not good at it. I was trying to speed up my target profit with this counter but it ran contrary to my wish.

Mapletree Ind Tr

Average up on this one as the yield looks sufficient with much better growth potentials. I was looking at increasing Mapletree NAC Tr but decided against it as the gearing is quite high and my position is quite large today. This is even though I do not expect them to raise rights ( instead via private placement). I will review again later.


Finally sold off my small size on this one to manage my counter numbers. And it went up further .... . The only grace is I have OCBC to enjoy the ride.

Netlink NBN Tr

Move up quite an amount in recent time. I took some profit. Still have good holding in it as is still a good dividend counter to hold long term.


Mar 7, 2019

Cory Diary : Trading - Span of Control In-Check

Sold Frasers L&I Tr - This is particular interesting sale because nothing much has changed for the company other than the stock price moved up quite a bit from beginning of year at $1.03. I only found out when someone blogged about it that he had sold and decided to investigate. The chart looks like a spike up "W-shaped". Since I am in the process of counter reduction, this looks like no brainier to sell too for me considering I have Ascendas and Maple Ind. Tr in industrial segment.  

For the dividends replacement of which it provides more than 6.5% yield. I have the proceed splits across 3 Reits namely FCT, Mapletree NAC Tr and Ascendas-h Tr.  FCT doesn't really cut it from 5.3% yield perspective but since I have no plan to sell my existing small FCT in my portfolio it maybe worth my time to up it on the current price dip.  The later two averaged up too. They have good yield and I am investing in hospitality that Asia will remains vibrant and keep growing.

One thing to note is that Frasers L&I Tr do not distribute dividend last quarter reporting as it is on half yearly basis. This re-balance requires 4 trades to execute. Kind of costly but I feel necessary as the risk is getting higher for Fraser L&I Tr with the recent run-up compared to others and I do not want to over burden specific averaged up counters.

On another separate note, I sold Neratel as well with recent result announcement. This use to be a hot VB counter. Took me too long to cut-it. Though I am net positive, opportunity cost is still painful. After this sale, this helps to reduce my span of control further.  

Here's how the portfolio radar map looks like for those who are interested.



Jan 31, 2019

Cory Diary : Updates on Jan'19 Trades

Last Friday Cory Equity Portfolio crosses a key milestone in size excluding bank cash, treasuries and SSB. I have to make sure the crossing is not deliberate but something I am comfortable with the market. This is on the back of YTD over 5% returns. As most people would suspects, Fed finally tone down in their message. However if the market goes crazy again, Fed may shoot in a surprise hike .... sigh ! Hopefully market stays calm for the week.

A quick summary on all my recent trades.

PARKWAYLIFE REIT - Sold all my shares for 4.6% profit YTD. That's like 1 year dividend in a month work except that it went further up 3% after, due mainly to rising market ... ( you can't win all ). The move is to improve my reit yield and able to consolidate my counters.

ASCENDAS REIT - Did some quick trading on a portion of my stock before and after results. Manage to get some kopi money. My broker a bit busy and not able to execute my queue in time else I would have doubled my earning.

CAPITAMALL TRUST - I also did a quick trade on a portion of my stock. Good gains but I think is more due to rising market again. Investment size is now 7.8% of my portfolio but with 5.1% yield, I think am good with this level. That's doubled SSB returns.

MAPLETREE COM TR - Up a little as I find my exposure insufficient for my effort. So this gives me more punch for the buck. At 5.11% investment size now, I think is max on this one. Fortunately, able to catch most of the rising ride. 

FRASERS COM TR - For same reason as Mapletree Com Tr, I up some as well. And happen to ride the market.

Trading expenses hit nearly $600. Moving on I will have to make sure more diligence before I do a trade. The expense is slightly high, and I am expecting after special rebate will be $450 region.  That's probably 1% of my Profit this month but this can explode if the market comes down quickly so I need to get a handle on this.

Mean time ride the market ! Sign off for Jan '19.


Mar 13, 2018

Cory Diary : Recent Trade Actions 20180313


Manage to come back to secure some after recent price corrections. Just a relatively small position in each. Good to be able to expand my Reits to have two more counters. Current Reits allocation is around 40% of Local Equity Portfolio. Total Portfolio projected to receive target (updated for privacy) dividend in 2018 currently.

I like this Maple due to "Mapletree Investments and Mapletree Industrial Trust Form Joint Venture to Acquire 14 Data Centres in the United States of America". And I like Parkwaylife for being in the market for more affluent lifestyle and greying population needs.


Did a quick speculative trade with just holding 1 day over the weekend when price moved up to 5.x. And sold it on the next mon working day at 8.x for whopping more than 60% gains. Just couldn't hold with such a gain so quickly. Since then, price corrected quickly and now is on restricted trade list. I would certainly like to buy a Creative 3D earphone to try out first.

STI Index

Bought a little more STI Index ES3 when it corrected recently after recent sale of some portion of my Singtel shares. I wouldn't want to go in big as we are at rather high level but I still feel 3800 is a good target.


Reduced my stake some with recent poor result as I am not sure how long it will takes to turn around the business. And use the fund to play with Creative which ends up very well as mentioned above.

There are few others trades but enough for today.



Feb 20, 2018

Cory Diary : Recent Trade Actions 20180220

As DIY Investor, when I am not glued to 2018 Budget, at least need to catch the key points. They could provide some help or guidance on what is to come in the future. And then double up with whats app or forum discussion. This will give me a basic idea. The key is information and being smart is not enough. There is one more thing, I need to be fast too. Why ?

Design Studio prior to CNY holiday announced Profit Warning. This is Information. If people who has follow my portfolio, I first did my reduction in this counter so that I can sleep better when price ran up. (link) I know this is SME. And high price volatility in illiquid stock means there can be sharks. DS also has a CEO change. Taking some profit off the table created some profit buffer.

Then the quarterly report is bad, and price took a hit. CFO resigned later (I think last Dec'17). And climaxed with Feb Profit Warning. First trading day 9am, I saw the buy queue 0.52. I miss to sell it in seconds.  (In my heart is like %^&$#@). The price went down to 0.48 to 0.50 range quickly which I manage to sell down most of my remaining shares.  I am still left with few k unable to clear due to no buyer. My pain to learn. The day ended at 0.40. That's fierce. Cut loss and sell down are key steps I took to mitigate my losses for this situation as I am blind sided on how bad the news are.

I have few other trades this month but I think writing down my experience on Design Studio is enough for me tonight. Is late past 1 am ... Hope you have a Happy Chinese New Year.


Jun 25, 2016

Cory Diary : Britain voted to be out of EU

Could not comprehend why is it so bad about it. In fact I did not even put it as something to watch that can cause another Lehman moment. Some News commentators said is a Black Swan Event which i disagree.

I do not think is hard at all for BreExit vote as below pic but stock market sentiment cannot be under estimated. So I took profit in CDL which has large exposure in GB prior to the vote. I did not anticipate significant impact to others. Dow drops more than 600 pt. My feeling now is there will be more impact coming Monday in SG market. Now my leg is a little shaky because I should have done a little more to mitigate it. Always room for regrets LOL.

BreExit comment

CDL Trades

When Singapore was kicked out of Malaysia Federation, many people think this is the end. LKY cried. The other side was hoping we will failed and down the road we will begged for return at their terms. We didn't. We succeeded beyond the wildest dream.

We need to get back to basic. What's the purpose of a Country ? To have a population that can work together. Policy and government that serve them. Democracy in place. EU takes away all that.

To make it worst, EU immigrants policy alienates the population similar to situation for the Singapore gov when they open the doors too wide that we lose our cultural and togetherness as a nation. They did crawl back and we see the 70% support votes. Unlike Singapore, EU Leaders did not. The British citizen don't even know who they are yet they are the one that decides EU immigrant policies and so i heard.

Leaders today are politically correct to avoid being branded racists and doing the right thing but they forgot about Nation Building. Is not just about Economic. Is about happiness. Is about emotion. Is about togetherness of the Citizens in the country ! And this takes effort and time to integrate and be accepted. Only when we get all this right, then there is value in economy. I am proud of the British people recognising this despite all odds against their parties, institutions and the famous. Just like in America, Trump represents the frustration of Americans. He did not so to speak, "Influence" them. He just represented them. The sooner leaders understands their population and the ground not grass root, they will lead better.

Near term there will be volatility in the market due to sentiments but it also mean opportunity from fear. Cascading effects will only create more opportunities so I need to go slow in my entry.


Jun 18, 2016


Home Work

Noticed a significant drop in FCT yesterday. This caught my eyes as I have been waiting for a good time to re-enter. A check in regular sources have no obvious news. Some retailers attempt to collect. There is a rather large selloff after trading hours at $1.89 which appear to be from a single entity. Do note some time back there is news of CEO change.

Previous Trades

May have to click the picture below to see the details. Recorded rationale on the trades that time.
I like the Mall Business at suburb which rental is not impacted. AEI keeps me a little awake which i blogged earlier.

(updated for privacy)

There is some resistance around 2.00 to 2.02.  I am a poor timer, quite busy recently due to company re-org, fear of losing and no insider. So decided to sell FCT without waiting for the next dividend distribution.

Next Step

Bre-Exit is round the corner. US has another major gun incident. Market quite shaky. Our local economy still in the muddy water. With the FCT AEI still in the midst. Will wait for reports and better opportunity. I really like this Mall counter.
