iReit Global
Recent change includes the long awaiting Preferential Offering (PO) finalized. The excess allocation result is kind of surprise yet not. CDP share has more than 2700% excess allocation in term on original rights allocation. This is in consideration that share size is minuscule.
On Custodian account side which is where main bulk of iReit shares are, it is slightly more than 100% excess allocation again in term of original rights given. If we have applied for double the excess, there is likelihood we would have got it as well based on others feedback. This is a surprise. On hindsight, which is a bitch, PP is quite small relative to PO. Well sometimes it takes experience to get through. And then proceed to shade a little off the portfolio to right size the exposure assuming the trading price maintains.
Is on the tear again. Blogged many times on the significant undervaluation. It has keep growing. Unfortunately we couldn't chase as valuation is an Art especially so when we have sizeable exposure already. It is also one that provides the balance factor on different market sentiment days. It has the potential to grow to join the big 5 of the portfolio allowing more diversification and stability needed to compensate on smaller bond size.
Bond investment reduced to 11% but in actual there is expansion in CPF allocation which is not part of this scope. Any interests on Bond/CPF can read ( Here ). Reit allocation lowered to 48% despite recent PO. This is mainly due to reduction of Aims Apac Reit from recent run up. I was second guessing potential rights issue which I have no plan to take up hence the change but on second taught there is possibility of merger which has been rumored for a long time.

We have seen good gains of the portfolio this year. However, there is still room to grow till the end of the year as it has laggards such as Malls and Industrial Reits which will benefit from the recovery of Covid-19 despite hiccups. Maybe we will see 15% allocation if all stars aligned.
Dividend Returns
Dividend generation at sustainable level for the portfolio hits 60k. ( If we leave as it is without injection and say 2% growth, and some dividend growth as well, we will see 4k more dividends each year. This is rough estimate as we need more data with time to get the trend right. The formula will be portfolio value x 2% growth x 5% yield + 2% growth x annual dividend. ) Some injections will push the annual dividend increases to 5k. What this mean is it will take 7 to 8 years for dividend to grow to 100k annual on conservative estimate if we let the portfolio runs on with limited intervention. However, the portfolio which has been living on 7% annualized returns for past decade. So it can be done in 5 years or less. A long stretch goal. Wishful thinking ?
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