Feb 16, 2025

Cory Diary : Insurance Policy Returns

In my early article, decided to surrender my GE Dynamic Prolife with Cash Policy. It has been with me for more than 27 years. I originally planned to surrender it years ago but was tied up and other constraints. Finally, I am able to do it this week due to ability to do it more effortless now. GE has improved their process.

I am one of the sceptical guy who is worried what I will get when the policy surrendered as it will be too late to find out on surrender. Well, I finally got my answer this week. when i submitted my request and into my bank account. I kept records of most of the transactions. So able to do Return assessment roughly.

My XIRR returns is about 3.93%. If I have surrendered earlier by about 2.5 years, rough estimate assuming deducting away 2.5 years of premium, maybe about 4.2%. All this numbers are done quickly with my limited time and knowledge. Please dyodd and consult your own FA. Uncle is newbie when come to Insurance.

Compared to T-Bills, SSB and FD, this looks ok imo. Is a long 25 year wait but seems worthwhile if we considered this period. In-addition, that time 27 year old me don't even know about Stock Market. And today I have a sum to make this money work for me further.

Maybe I should include this as an achievement ?

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Disclaimer: The articles presented in this blog reflect personal opinions and are intended for informational and sharing purposes only. Not responsible of errors. Readers are advised to seek professional guidance when making financial decisions and should take full responsibility for their choices.


  1. I have a life policy too and had been contemplating a surrender because I don't want to be paying every year although I could still afford to in my 60.
    The hesitation to surrender is because the amount of cash value increase annually is more than my annual premium needed to pay. Cash value increases by $5K+ while premium is $1.3K. Any thoughts on this?

    1. I have this struggle too. My consideration is do my family needs this policy or not. Is this the right policy or not. The hassle to manage it when I am not around. My financial ability and buffer if I am wrong. Since mine is endowment, is mainly saving policy. As I am making money out of it, i decided to close it for other investment use. This also reduce my monthly payment. The insurance amount is also not much compared to my portfolio and can be a hassle for my partner to claim later. Also I realised at my age, I need new insurance that focus on health such as term like without saving component. Ofcourse I am still in good health to get approved. I post another article on this matter. Everyone is different. Wish you luck !

    2. every year 5k more ? wow so good for 1.3k invest. frankly i am not expert. You need to dyodd.

  2. Yes, the cash value increase by $5K every year, compared to the annual premium of $1.3K. This is what makes cashing out so difficult. Quite headache and seeking advise.
    It's a whole life policy bought 35Y ago. I'm 60 liao.
