Showing posts with label First Reit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label First Reit. Show all posts

Dec 15, 2018

Cory Diary : Investment Updates 2018-1215


SSB Switch
Redeem SSB batch starting 1% rate for 2.01%. And a higher 2.45% effective rate.

First Reit

Reviewed First Reit investment for all the years and it still in good positive despite losses this year. If the sponsor sold off remainder of the 10%, the skin in the Reit doesn't appear to be good. Is not like they have a lot in the first place. Spending too much time on this drama for me to follow through so I thought it maybe better for me to move on. As it look like the rebound has stabilized, decided to switch out remainder of it. This will likely make my portfolio more robust for 2019. Ouch ! Nevertheless. House cleaning is never easy.

Frasers Cpt Tr

With sale of some more CMT Reit as it goes up, I use some of the excess  fund to collect FCT which I thought is valued cheaper. I am not sure the last quarterly reported result is normal though or is it beginning of the end. Sorry for the "horror headline" especially from one who just returned to vest on this. Reits generally are not cheap. It can get more expensive due to low rates though despite rate increase by FED.

STI Index
I did a sell trade again on the Index of the recent increment lots with the constant volatility originally meant for some exposure to the banks. Hope I can catch another smallish ride. I prefer to have larger stake in this.

I am back on this. Not much discount though. Not easy to get. It will take a larger correction in the general market to put a dent i guess.



Nov 22, 2018

Cory Diary : Reits 2018-1122

Reits have been stable as a rock generally despite increasing rate. However, not so this week for First Reit. If we remembered, I have cut First Reit exposure twice. If I remember correctly, once before and after a Guru posted on his sales.

First Reit

However I still hold some significant amount of First Reit for diversity of income from Reits. One of the main reason it was sold down is due to rating issue. However my thought is that Lippo is not fly by night company. Secondly on a quick glance, the hospitals are doing financially ok ( Sorry if I am wrong. Still a novice in reading report so DYODD). So chances are they have no issue paying up the rental. On top of that, there is advance payment mechanism in place. Thirdly, you can't just shift hospital operation like food stalls. That could be large impact I think.

Having said all that, I am still a retail investor and no match for expert opinion which is rare in my opinion to be seen. It went as low as 0.92 two days ago and is way oversold, As I do not have a god father who can support me when I am wrong, it doesn't make sense for me to average down. And therefore for prudence and risk mitigation, I have to right size my investment earlier to sleep well.

CapitaMall Trust

As I have blogged many times earlier, CMT is a strong reit. Even when market crashes to dust, this fellow will give good dividend yields. Investors will just have to wait it out and the price logically should return. We also has lesser issue with rights issue as they rarely tap on shareholders for fund. Today hits 2.22. I took some profit immediately for trade as it hits resistance level. I could be wrong and will logically be still very happy.

Parkway Life Reit

The yield looks much better with recent correction. I decide to average down as my exposure to this quality Hospital Properties are low and appear there is a support at this level. This will help improve my income for 2019.

Finally, my dividends have hit above target (updated for privacy)  for this year collection, and this is before Singtel Dividends.

