CoryLogics Invest Chat - No Coin, No Porn, No Penny
Jan 26, 2025
Cory Diary : Post-Retirement ROI (On) or ROI (Of)
Dec 16, 2024
Cory Diary : Retirement Funds - Retire Series
CoryLogics Invest Chat - No Coin, No Porn, No Penny
Nov 16, 2024
Cory Diary : How it happens - Retire Series
CoryLogics Invest Chat - No Coin, No Porn, No Penny
Sep 28, 2024
Cory Diary : Retirement Reflections: A New Chapter
CoryLogics Invest Chat - No Coin, No Porn, No Penny
Sep 14, 2024
Cory Diary : De-Cluttering our lifes
So I've been doing a thorough decluttering across multiple aspects of my life, from blog articles to personal belongings and hobbies. Streamlining everything can be quite refreshing!
Here's a summary of what I've achieved:
Blog Articles: Cleaned up my blog by deleting outdated dividend tracking posts, making room for more relevant updates.
Aquarium: After years as a corydoras enthusiast, I decided to put aquarium hobby on hold to focus more on family and other responsibilities.
Office Cube: Cleared out a significant amount of accumulated items, like outdated technology and office supplies, creating a more organized and minimalist workspace.
Large Baby Stroller: Letting go of a bulky stroller that’s no longer needed with our children growing up.
Pictures: A big effort to organize decades of photos across various storage devices, though I am leaving the rest for a future project.
I am clearly making space in both physical and digital life, leaving more room for what matters to me, especially investing. Keep up the momentum!
CoryLogics Invest Chat - No Coin, No Porn, No Penny
Aug 5, 2024
Cory Diary : Retirement Equity Portfolio Size
CoryLogics Invest Chat - No Coin, No Porn, No Penny
Apr 10, 2023
Cory Diary : You only young once
CoryLogics Invest Chat - No Coin, No Porn, No Penny ( Limited to Invitation )
Jul 22, 2022
Cory Diary : F.I.R.E - Financial Independence Retire Early
CoryLogics Invest Chat - No Coin, No Porn, No Penny
Jul 5, 2022
Cory Diary : Building Up Passive Returns - Income Streams
One of the weakness in the portfolio is the persistent under representation of Finance stocks. Therefore, has been buying into DBS stock which provide good dividends. Size wise still not there yet due to concern with digital banking competition. Nevertheless, need to have enough investment into this area.
CoryLogics Invest Chat - No Coin, No Porn, No Penny
Jun 26, 2022
Cory Diary : Realization of Key Financial Variables and Sensitivity to Retirement Wellness
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CoryLogics Invest Chat - No Coin, No Porn, No Penny
Sep 17, 2021
Cory Diary : What I have been doing lately ( ... calculating my way to FI )
For one to retire young with kids, the first chart maybe more applicable. A situation where we still tap fully to life engagements. Expenses will be high and where we have dependents especially for sandwiched class. Even if we have no plan to fully retire, we know where we are financially.
Jun 30, 2021
Cory Diary : Perpetual Portfolio - Legacy
Apr 3, 2021
Cory Diary : Retirement Income Sources
Jul 11, 2020
Cory Diary : Retirement Calculator and a Miracle find !
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Table 1 : Retirement Math |
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Table 2 : Retirement Math |
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Table 3 - Retirement Math |
Jul 4, 2020
Cory Diary : Medical Bills
I take the time to ponder this morning questions. I am sure there are many scenarios.
1. If we have 2M dollar, do we spend all in order to prolong our lives say for another 6 months ?
2. What-if we survive and need life long care and a burden to family after ?
3. What-if we are young and recover completely ?
4. What-if bed ridden for rest of my life ?
This are real hard questions. No good answer but something to think about.
One key insurance I am happy to pay is hospitalization bills. The cost is not high and reasonable. CPF wise I can max whatever inside complement with Medi-save.
Anything beyond that, maybe I would define certain percentage of my net worth for it. That could an answer. I dunno. Simply Medical condition can be Wills of God. Meantime we try to stay healthy by living healthy. But we are limited by genes and external factors.
Health is important to enjoy the fruits which people tends to neglect. I got a scare a year ago and realize life can be short. Too short. ( "Wife, I want to retire ... really ... 😗 )
Apr 5, 2020
Cory Diary : Preparation of a life time
With this move, I will also be taking some new learning of another group of colleagues who recently lose their manager through attrition. This is in-addition with multi-tasking to help the new manager. I need to spend time to convince her that there is nothing to worry because I will support her as long I could. And it is better for everyone that she has time to take on the role while I am still around collecting money happily. Why I say that is because if the business get whacked or there is business rationalization, I could be on the chopping board, and the team could be impacted.
However, to myself every time I think about such possibilities there is a little unease as well. The sense of suddenly losing monthly income and bonuses. The beautiful constantly increasing Net Worth. The insecurity. This reminds me of why people chasing to buy toilet paper. We cannot change others easily but we can change ourselves. So when the time come, if I am to fall into desperation, I have no one to blame but myself but I aren't going to compete with others to buy toilet paper !
Daughters teach me that life is more than money. I probably bought 10 boxes of Pampers for the elder alone in case the market starts chasing for supply. This are non-perishable items and my thinking is that this is something which I could control and not spoiling the market if I get them before there is any crunch. There aren't so far and unlikely will. But as a father cannot do without Pampers and Milk Powders, I do not want to take the risk fighting over it with others. Neither do I want to be behind the horde just to get a pamper home. So this is the only two items I technically "hoarded" for my kids. Frankly, they use up pretty quick to my surprise. And maybe this also help to send signals early down the supply chain on the needs for greater supply buffers. Talking about vested interests.... that's how we push for more supplies.
So how is my dividend investment plan going ? Last year achieved almost $53k annual dividends. This higher figure is unplanned. Some amount due to the mergers and cash-out from rights issue. For current portfolio, to-date theoretical max $56k. The DPU compute is before Covid-19 so there will be cut however the believe is when this is over the DPU may returns in time. About 70% warchest left to play with which potentially due to this crisis to allow higher target than original allowed by another 30% to 45% more with current market condition. This will still leaves me with ample cash for loan payment for 6 to 7 years parked in SSB and FD mainly. I could reduce this amount but prefer not as it can also be used to pay down loan if needed. We never knows how the markets will move as time goes.
One thing for sure, every month I worked, the better my buffer. If I could hit year end bonus, that will be awesome. I know is annual event. I always appreciate that. Never takes good things for granted.
Oct 3, 2019
Cory Diary : Expenses 2019
There are many other one-off items such as Renovation, Alter, Cremation Niches, Medical Surgery, Hospitalization, Medical checks, Confinement ... this are debatable. Nevertheless they can be big ticket items or summation in total. Ignore them at your perils.
And we have the regular ones like Taxes, Nanny, Parent Allowances, Installments, Holidays, Baby Misc ...
If one plans to retire, make sure we plan them into our annual expense plan with good buffers. Don't simply jump into FIRE through hard core saving. You will be surprise like I do this year on how bad it can goes on how expenses blow up. After totaling up major items that i could find, the expenses YTD is S$117 K... ( ouch ).
The fortunate thing is that my Liquid asset and Net worth are still trending up. The first is due to Stock Market and Regular Job, and the later with added Property Valuation Growth (Cashless by the way).
Anyone like to retire now ?
Jan 11, 2019
Cory Diary : My retirement just got pushed back
39 weeks and more to come but is all worth it, and I have done my part for my country. ;)
Welcome to the family ! My best investment returns. Priceless !
Aug 19, 2018
Cory Diary : Managing Risk and Goal update 2018-0819
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Cory Analysis |
To draw this further, I could ask for 1% growth in underlying portfolio.This will retard investment capital reduction. Now, for $1.35M investment size, returns can be lowered to 5.2%. The next question will be what investments will allow me to support the draw down and to secure $5K monthly expense ? One thing for sure, I do not need to take too high risk to achieve financial freedom but how to protect my investment to obtain desires.