During a recent conversation on Telegram, someone asked me about the risks associated with iReit Global, a Singapore-listed Real Estate Investment Trust that invests in income-producing properties in Europe. While I had previously done some due diligence on the investment, I had put it aside and couldn't remember when. However, in today's economic climate, debt management is more critical than ever due to rising interest rates. While not all REITs have felt the full impact yet, those that have will likely need to weather the effects for several more quarters.
Fortunately, iReit Global's management has taken steps to mitigate risks, as shown in a slide shared by the company. They have identified and addressed risks such as interest rate risk, refinancing risk, and concentration risk. However, it's important to note that all investments carry some level of risk, and forex risk, in particular, may impact the REIT's earnings as it is listed on the local exchange and the SGD has appreciated by approximately 7-10%.
The COVID-19 pandemic has also impacted the real estate market, including the office segment where demand has decreased. While this may affect iReit Global's portfolio, it's important to note that their properties are located in Europe, where the situation may differ from other regions.
Overall, iReit Global may be a suitable investment for those seeking exposure to European real estate, but it's important to consider the risks and monitor the REIT's performance regularly. It may be helpful to seek the advice of a financial professional to determine if this investment aligns with your investment goals and risk tolerance.
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