Oct 16, 2021

Cory Diary : US Market Share Returns

A snip of Portfolio of US Stocks. YTD Return is using XIRR. So we still have 1.5 month to go before end of year therefore the reported % is higher due to annualization and because this is bought in stages throughout the year. Another to note is that SEA is recent addition therefore XIRR on it will not be reflective at all. So why show here today. Just to tell return reporting is simply rubbish currently.

So what's exactly the return if we want to compute ? My thought will be to use simple equation of Total Return / Capital Injected. Basically differences of how much I put in and then sell all of them today as Profit. Ignoring time horizon considering all the shares are bought in stages and only this year. This works out roughly 28%. A rough estimation maybe good enough for now.

So US Market has been a good year so far for the selected. The growth power provides strong capital gains. and this may not be the end of the story yet considering Tesla power has yet weakened. Last night it went up another 3% hitting USD 843 on a much strong footing of vehicle sales in which expectation will be on coming report. In fact, many US stocks in the team moves up just that Tesla has an unequal share of it. If this continues, the allocation of Tesla is going to put others in shadow and looks like it will.

Just Sharing my road into US stocks.


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