Jan 22, 2018

Cory Diary : Net Worth Insights

Tracking Net Worth with Excel has been a favorite hobby of mine. There are many ways to play with excel and generating charts.  This time i show it with different format for the fun of it. A more futuristic style I feel. The first chart below is time tracker of my net worth which i have collected since Year 2007. Considering I have been in the workforce almost 20 years, is more like a mid-life crisis initiated tracker.

As a reminder, this chart is from a salaried man, not a spender, as in lifestyle has not change much for past 15 years. Neither is there inheritance nor toto money in it as I would wish to have. The vertical axis is the dollar value. It tracks my net worth ( top line ), liquid asset (mid) and Sg Equity ( bottom ) over the years. The Sg Equity will need more time to develop and comprehend.

There are exceptions in the chart. My Insurance value did not truly reflect the surrender value but estimated conservative valuation. Excluded is foreign equity which are tied to cash values, share options and corporate shares which can be material. Value will also change with currency rate and mix.

Net worth line has been growing nicely. On liquidity line, takes me less than 2 years to recover to my pre-investment level in a private apartment. Half due to equity investment returns and the other from salary and bonuses.

Next, the details of the Net Worth is make up as below. Almost 1/3 equity, 1/3 long term and 1/3 short term. This has not change for some time.

The main issue I see now is that the saving segment is too large and my 2018 goal is to allocate them into more productive use. Whatever I do, the allocated amount has to be safe and available to support my investment property payment needs. Some portion to return all of my CPF loans. I probably need to compute it correctly to ensure I have ample cash level as it will be a hassle to withdraw CPF and impossible after 55.


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