Sep 14, 2024

Cory Diary : De-Cluttering our lifes


Blog Articles

Did a clean up last week on my blog articles. Basically I deleted most of the dividend tracking posts. Reason i did that is because I feel is for the moment in time and when is over, a new article update will come for us to see the dividend increasing trend again. So kind of de-clutter.


A hobbyist in corydoras for decades. Decided to dried up my tank finally as family consume more of my time in-addition to others. There are at least 4 boxes of aquarium equipments left behinds in addition to few tanks. I guess more spaces too be available soon.

Office Cube

Is amazing how much stuffs i kept in the office. There is a disney doll which i never have a chance to give to my toddlers to play. A docking station decade old. An Intuit tablet for professional drawing which I happily give away. A company sleeveless jacket that has been buried for 5 years probably. Two desktop keyboards that could not remembered when i last use. Many others. All Cleared.

Large Baby Stroller

It has been with us for 5 years and occupy a large corner of the doorway. Is quite bulky and not easy to wield. The price aren't cheap but got it in a rush as i remembered. With our 2nd Child not needed it anymore, time to go. Lightning speed.


Over the decades I have like "Tons" of photo that gave a lot of memories. They are acattered everywhere in different storages and devices. In all form of archiving methodlogy. Have all them dumped into my notebook, sorted them out be time order for family, categories of events and friends. There are probably 25% sorting to go which is too tedious to manage them singlely. This will be after i retired. They are all backup into different thumbrives storages which are quite cheap to get at today price.

So I've been doing a thorough decluttering across multiple aspects of my life, from blog articles to personal belongings and hobbies. Streamlining everything can be quite refreshing!

Here's a summary of what I've achieved:

  1. Blog Articles: Cleaned up my blog by deleting outdated dividend tracking posts, making room for more relevant updates.

  2. Aquarium: After years as a corydoras enthusiast, I decided to put aquarium hobby on hold to focus more on family and other responsibilities.

  3. Office Cube: Cleared out a significant amount of accumulated items, like outdated technology and office supplies, creating a more organized and minimalist workspace.

  4. Large Baby Stroller: Letting go of a bulky stroller that’s no longer needed with our children growing up.

  5. Pictures: A big effort to organize decades of photos across various storage devices, though I am leaving the rest for a future project.

I am clearly making space in both physical and digital life, leaving more room for what matters to me, especially investing. Keep up the momentum!

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Disclaimer: The articles presented in this blog reflect personal opinions and are intended for informational and sharing purposes only. Not responsible of errors. Readers are advised to seek professional guidance when making financial decisions and should take full responsibility for their choices.

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