Sep 7, 2024

Cory Diary : Rising Tide Lifts All Boats

With the recent revivals of Reit how do strong reits compare with each other. This is especialy cloudy when most reits do rise in tandem. One way to look at it is on recent Rate Cut Plan events caused by Interest Rate hikes few years back using TA.

The period of back up 2 year will be a good gauging point to study. For the exercise of this, we use FCT, CICT, Ascendas, MIT and ParkwayLife Reits.

FCT, CICT and Ascendas are in Positive returns 2% ~5%. Mapletree Ind (MIT) slights negative which if we include dividends which will be good plus. Interestingly, Parkwaylife Reit has -19.25% capital loss. It also has one of the lowest yield which may not help reduce the losses much.

Something to think about Rising Tide Lifts All Boats when they start to recede.

Cory Diary

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