Performance since Year 1990

1st Jun 1990 Stock Value $7,300
1st May 2020 Stock Value $ 273,950
Pretty amazing value growth. That's mean for every $7300 invested in the Year 1990 which is 30 years ago, the return is 38 times at today value even after significant write down by the company due to Covid-19. XIRR wise is 13% over the 30 years period for an Investment Guru. For a Singaporean, the exchange rate changes from 1.74 to 1.42 across this long period. After adjustment will be 12.1%.
Performance since Year 2007
How does Cory performance since Year 2007 compounded. XIRR = 6%. That's half his compared to above. For consolation, STI Index is around 2% inclu. div..... .. ...
How about Berkshire Hathaway Inc. In USD since Year 2007. Is only 7.3%. Surprise ! What-if in S$ ? That's 6.7%. That's not a lot above Cory. Maybe the company is holding too much cash ?
You are flattering yourself too much. There is simply no comparison. It is a much larger hurdle and win for someone to successfully manage billions of dollars vs someone managing a puny sum. One needs to consider impact of liquidity etc on positioning and how one can move in and out of positions without adverse impacts.
ReplyDeleteFrankly I am not sure why you said that because 6% is nothing to shout about for 13 years if you are experience in performance measure. Many people I know beats me a mile. I am using Guru as reference to guide me.
DeleteThink I guess it right.