Jul 1, 2018

Cory Diary : Shopping List 20180701

Successfully secured this month SSB 2.63% result with $12.5k allocated. I hope to hit max again this month. This do not count into my dividend tracker as I deem them as buffer for my property loan support plan. 

Relative unscathed so far this year with -2% returns. I am pretty aware thing could turn for a worst. Need to buff up my war chest so I will be controlling my equity purchase much tighter and to take profit on any equity much easier on those that is not core holdings.

Hot List
There is sufficient buffers. I could acquire or some more of them at any moment. I am still withholding my firepower in view of trade war. Not in order of priority.

1. DBS - Start with small planned. And see any further correction. Not top list.
2. Keppel Corp - Potential
3. STI ETF - Acquire in stages. Not expensive
4. Ascendas Reit - Average down planned
5. ST Engineering - Not in top purchase list. Hope to increase my holding

Tempting List
They have hit my buy price but I have enough exposure in them. So tempting but I must not buy until i see some crucial indicators.

1. Singtel - Regional telcos pickup in profitability needed. Look for uptrend in price.
2. Netlinktrust - Directors significant purchase needs to happen and next dpu/results review.

Waiting List
1. Aims reit - Sold all. Price flat currently.
2. FCT - Sold all. Price flat currently.
3. MLT - Premium. Not enough MOS.
4. HRnetgroup - Like to expand if enough MOS.
5. Vicom - Sold all. Price not moving.
6. JD.com - Still under consideration
7. HP Inc - Still under consideration



  1. Coincidence, your Hot List of 5 stocks are what I have in mind too. :-)

    1. Cheers. Sorry for my late... (got spammed)

  2. Hi Cory

    Wow you seemed to have sold quite a bit of your holding. Are you planning to beef up your warchest a bit more?

    1. Hi B, sorry late reply. Some positions to lock in profits that I need to monitor after. I am back with portfolio size, re-balanced. Still looking to push up my dividends as my cash grows from salary and FD overseas.
