Jul 12, 2016

Cory Diary : Equity Dividends 2016 Q2

Still in the atmosphere of Brexit, market is roaring back. So much on the fallout !At the same time Telco has a good run with talks on the 4th Telco viability. Seems like everyone has forgotten about the slow growth of major economies. True to my prediction, it is exciting time !

(updated for privacy) 

Year to date (Q2 '16) (updated for privacy) .  There will be challenge beating (updated for privacy) in 2015 due to I have taken profits on a number of counters and with more to come if the market continues to pick up.

 I have done some mitigation by re-balancing some of the returns to fixed instruments. And am now exploring for other opportunities on the remaining cash. New risk will be Indonesia and deeper risk will be China.


Jul 9, 2016

Cory Diary : Reading UOB Bank First Quarter 2016

UOB Stock Price 8th July '16 : $18.15 since the low of $16.81 early this year and high of $25 last year. That's +7.4% from bottom and -25% respectively from top. That's a wide range of pricing so what's are the fundamental change during this period ?

UOB First Quarter 2016

Let start with loans and operating performance by Country information. What I find interesting is Greater China information which records S$28 M profit reduction. Indonesia registers strong profit growth which maybe at a huge price which i will come later.

Gross Loans
Operating Profits

Non-Performing Loans (NPL) 1.4%
Past quarters increased from 1.2% to 1.4%. Percentage increase 16.7%. Greater China has a reduction from $218 M to $158 M. Indonesia has significant disproportionate amount of S$564 M accounting for 20% of NPLs. This raise the question of how well Indonesia is performing.

Exposure of Asset
5.9% Greater China, S$19.5 B of which half in RMB. There are $15.9 B Customer deposits in Greater China. Profit $69M (6.4%). Unable to locate clarity on RMB exposure but with local deposits there will be natural hedge against currency fluctuation which is critical.

4% Oil and Gas and 3% Other Commodities

NAV $18.22
BV using share price $18.15 will be 0.996. Not expensive.

Loan to Deposits Ratio
LDR using net loan over deposits has comes down from 81%-84% to 80.7%. This is on the back of increasing loans. Lot's of cash in the system.

$1.84 annualised. That's roughly 10.1%. PE 9.8.

Regular Dividends assuming 70-75 cts (Yield 3.85% ~ 4.13%,  Shares 1,607,291,000) that will be at least $1.125 B annual distribution. 1Q16 earning alone is $766M. With the payout ratio less than 50% of earning, Capital Growth will be strong plus factor. 5% growth translate to $0.90 potential capital gains annually.

Overall is still a healthy and profitable business even though there is a a little slow down. One thing to know is Indonesia. Will UOB throws more into it. Whats up that we don't know about ?

By the way, UOB first half 28th July'16 report coming up.


Jul 6, 2016

Cory Diary : Read up on Retirement

The whole idea of Investment is so that we have more money. People who say they don't probably already have enough. That's the reality unless we are trying to poke holes into exceptions.

Instead of re-inventing the wheel I should tap on other brains. There are plenty strong logics out there as anonymous I like to share.

Here you are.

Cannot imagine that after working hard for 30 - 35 years, you would want to cut back everything and live like a hermit upon retirement?

Retirement is a time to take back your life and live! Do the things you want to do, travel to places and experience other cultures and pamper yourself.

When planning for retirement, always plan for more. For eg., if you think you would only require $84k pa ($7k pm) in retirement, aim for $100k pa ($8.5k pm).

It is better to continue working now as long as you can, than having to re-enter the job market at 60 when you find that your money runs out!

I think these comments about retiring early at 40 or 50 are coming from middle-class folks stuck with average income in jobs they hate, and they spend their time online dreaming about retiring early cos they can't in real life. 

What's wrong with working until 60 or even 65? The wise are happy to contribute back to society and nurture the younger generation. Some people like me enjoy every day at work.

The irony of working towards retirement: the higher the person's salary, the faster the wealth accumulation process, and the earlier one can retire. But the opportunity cost of retiring is also higher, and it becomes so much harder to retire.

I'm a retired millionaire who've worked very hard for many years. Long hours, frequent travels. It's good to finally stop my rat race. Made millions from my salary, bonuses and investment gains. Time to smell the roses. Also to take better care of my body. I was at a high risk of heart attacks and stroke had I continued my rat race.

Life now is so much more peaceful and serene. No more getting stuck in early morning traffic and late nights. Can spend a lot of time exercising in my condo gym and swimming pool. I can also do ad hoc projects and volunteer at charitable organisations which I choose. 

Life is much more meaningful now. I've never been happier in my life. My passive income from my portfolio of investments gives me more than what my family's needs.

Choosing the right high paying career and being excellent in investments are key ingredients towards financial success and financial independence.

So much Collective Wisdoms and Experiences out there. Hope you enjoy  !
