May 30, 2021

Cory Diary : Investment Evolutions

Coming from below average income family of sandwiched class, foraying into investments is an evolution process. Basically I can't see it till it happens naturally "A common sense approach". It may not be the best but is suitable for me so far for a self learning investor who basic core believes is we must understand investment ourselves.

Started with years of education like all locals, and then started saving and basic life insurance. Thanks to my parents I am able to study in local University. When we save enough, start to play in stock markets. After a few years as the investment grow into sizeable amount, our bets get bigger and bigger. This after, we have our first HDB apartment.

As career progress, we have more saving for investment and it becomes a portfolio. To build up a sustainable second income stream, Dividend Investment becomes the plan of the day.  After few years, the amount is enough to sustain a reasonable annual income. This is when we explore property investment into Condo.

Money continues to roll in with continue salary income, dividend income and property income. By then I am already in my 50. Retirement clock starts clicking and started exploring funding sufficiency to support lifestyle retirement and this is when CPF kicks in as basic net investment returns while bonds are slowly kicked out.

This CPF investment phase is pretty quick because we will be at our peak earning capability phase. And then we can do the next leapt into growth stocks to maximize returns in a way after having the experience in investment knowledge, building sustainable earning and achieving asset net worth.

I stop here. This is where I am now.

So far, what I could do better ? Some people say I could do much better while others think I am lucky. Other than roll of luck jumbling up on which to go first, I am grateful of what I have so far. Life is not Bed and Roses, let's not make it Tougher. 

Ah Yes. I have two toddlers. God Grace to manage to have them in my 50s. What's my priority, them lah other than Health. Be Safe. I wish those who want to be wished.


Articles in this Blog is personal take and educational purposes only. Reader should seek their own professional help when making financial decision and be responsible for their decision.

May 23, 2021

Cory Diary : Recent Trades - Portfolio

There are quite a few Re-balancing going on  before Indian Variant Covid wave hits our shores.

1. Moving some shares from CICT to FCT. My Rationale is that Suburb will do much better in the long run to ride over Mall impact with recent outbreak. This is the second time I reduced my stake in CICT but for different reason. The result did not meet my expectation when price level was at 2.27. FCT stake is already much larger than CICT today but it can be more. Another reason is I want to reduce my dependency on Capitaland considering I have exposure to Ascendas Reit who they are also the sponsor. At current price, Ascendas is attractive but I would want to time my DCA for YTD Cost. With Covid in play more again, Industrial Reits are preferred.

2. Cleared my Cromwell Reit Position as they still have significant amount of office spaces. Their recent 5 to 1 share reduction leaves room for desire on not focusing on the business. The sale of asset also keeps me thinking why it was included into the IPO. This reflect badly on the sponsor. Since I am in profit year to date on this counter, gives bigger push for me to move on.  There is a small hit on my dividend as it gives more than 7%.  So why not iReit. Simply key tenants are much more sticky so their office will be hardly impacted in term of occupancy.

3. Started my process on averaging down Tesla by a few shares at a time. Even though is quite costly to use Poems for a few K value at at time as I want to do this over long period.  A very slow process after clearing off my HP Inc and APPL shares. With that I consolidate my positions to just Alibaba (HK), Microsoft, AMD and Tesla for Foreign Shares. Managing their returns due to rate changes can be quite interesting.

4. Increased Sheng Siong shares recently before the run-up due to Indian Variant. Still not significant position to benefit much in absolute amount even though percentage return wise looks nice. Still monitoring but considering position is not large I will be holding it long term for this amount as this will allow them more time to expand their stores and therefore chance are will be near to maintain high level of Covid returns.

5.  Managed to increase my Vicom holding to 4.5% of my equity portfolio. This is more a bang for the buck to worth my time to follow up on this counter. Long term wise I still find it relatively attractive as a defensive counter. Regardless gas or electric car, testing is still needed. So my thought process is this will be needed long term. The catalyst is other testing expanded which so far needs more focus.

6. Average down on Mapletree Commercial Trust. Surprising this counter is not performing well in price Year to Date compared to other reits despite it's strong fundamental. This gives me opportunity to average down at lower price. I think this stock will help drives future earning of the portfolio as I think Business Park is more robust and that Vivo City despite impact from Pandemic, will still do ok. 

7. After hearing DBS CEO sold some of his shares, I realized the price is quite good for me to offload a little as well. I think at this current price, it can go further but there is also a good chance it will fluctuates or even go lower with market condition. However DBS I am still hoping MAS will lift the cap on dividends. To be fair, there is many reason why one sells and to him is just a tiny portion of his DBS shares. Nevertheless the price must be quite good even though not representative of the future of DBS. Considering we are in good profits, is good to take some away from the table to build up cash. Still have to be careful not to offload too fast despite Fed repeated reminders that they won't raise rate near or mid term if I interpret they language correctly.

Finally, what I like to see my Radar chart coming to be. If there is opportunity, more Sheng Siong, Elite, Tesla and Alibaba. I also plan to acquire more MIT through Rights. Theoretical Annual Dividend Max 57k allows me to focus more on growth stocks which has been going through correction phase.

Dennis W.
Articles in this Blog is personal take and educational purposes only. Reader should seek their own professional help when making financial decision and be responsible for their decision.

May 12, 2021

Cory Diary : Netlink NBN Trust : Bao Jiak Business ?

Half Yearly Report just out. 5.1 cent dividend. Respectable returns. Far from Tech and Crypto and slightly lower than average reits returns iirc of different level risk. With a yield of 5.2% annualized, this is 1.2% higher than government guaranteed CPF SA account.

Netlink NBN Tr is a regulated business on how much they can profit. At current rate, is not significantly overvalued and I would think regulatory will continue to let it move along current direction for the foreseeable future.

Residential growth slowed to a crawl in this Q4FY21 but filled by NBAP/Segments during this Covid period. This mean leaving rooms for future residential opportunities. People who want stable income with some level of capital protection, this maybe good stock to be in considering most of it businesses are sole managed for practicality.

The current risk is 5G technology which may derailed their consumer side on last mile profits if they are not going to tap on their home fibre network. Nevertheless this tech is still far from many homes which has denser connect points, immediate needs for the next few years at current media download, normal use and gaming are quite sufficient for majority of people.

There is mention about more debt head room and new investment opportunities. This sounds interesting.

Note from report

"NetLink Group’s distribution policy is to distribute 100% of its cash available for distribution (“CAFD”), which includes distributions received from its wholly-owned subsidiary NetLink Trust (“NLT”). NLT’s distribution policy is to distribute at least 90% of its distributable income to the Trust after setting aside reserves and provisions 
for, amongst others, future capital expenditure (including the funding of a capital expenditure reserve fund pursuant to regulatory requirements), debt repayment and working capital as may be required. Distributions by NetLink Group will be made on a semi-annual basis, with the amount calculated as at 31 Mar and 30 Sep each year for the 6-month period ending on each of the said dates"


Articles in this Blog is personal take and educational purposes only. Reader should seek their own professional help when making financial decision and be responsible for their decision.