Oct 6, 2019

Cory Diary : Reits Comparison

Often we have a list of Reits in our radar. The more savvy one may probably just choose one. To mitigate risk, I tend to have them with different proportions. The question will be how do we apportion them. 

Here today I have 4 of them to think about. Namely, Ascendas Reit,  Mapletree Ind Trust, Frasers Com Trust & iReit Global.  As usual my investment decision is agar-agar. They are all quality reits in my opinion.

There are few key notes in my head. Singapore is near recession whereas US market are still relatively strong.  AR has weakening AUD earning - Australia exposure. MINT recently has rather good bargain on US Data Centers in-addition to what they have. Stronger USD helps too. Ascendas has future earning from Grab building and recent Australia acquisition. AR is largest locally. MINT may have impact from HP Inc downsizing concern as this maybe a risk depending on their BTS lease term with the company.

Overall, I would think MINT yield should be lower (correction) due to better quality earning. And I will be ok to pay more than A Reit. This thinking could change with time though.

How about Frasers Com Trust ? There is some concern in the market whether they can maintain their DPU. However their major was resolved with space able to be rented out to google. There is still risks from Microsoft. Overall the risk is reflected in their higher 6% yield compared to AR and MINT.

With recent blogged iReit in the limelight by famous blogger, the market was moved by it due to low trading volume. There are also other bloggers who are not so positive about it. Nevertheless at 7.6% yield there is some market concern. Is pure Germany play and rather concentrated in a tenant. I have 2.5% allocation currently.

Maybe ratio of AR 12%  :  MINT 9% :  FCOT 6% : iReit Global 3%. This will stagger my yields and risks in REITs.

Make sense ? Now wait for some correction to drive towards the percentage. Those that exceed probably I will put a hold instead.


Oct 5, 2019

Cory Diary: Importance of staying invested 2019-1005

Importance of staying invested to beat inflation is a psychological battle after GFC 2008. People tend to wait for the next major crisis or at least a correction. This is especially so when we have many headline news or risks and worries. 

While the concept is possible in theory, the timing or execution is not easy reason being because of the opportunity costs. Reits yield over the years have climbs down from double digits to 5% range. However, the cumulative capital gains and dividends are of considerable size. (See table)

The Gratification comes in when we go beyond inflation beating to actually profiteering from our investment. And to see our portfolio continuously growing in good years while mute in down. Overall, we just need to see more ups than downs to win the game.

Recession Fear as we are on our 11 years of economic growths since Year 2008. 2020 could be mute or small increase in profitability. What I could do is to continuously apportion my portfolio to more "Fixed returns" by percentage while in absolute number can still be larger in non-fixed investment. This could protect my down side while continuously to have larger growth in portfolio size through re-balancing. That's the strategy.



Oct 3, 2019

Cory Diary : Expenses 2019

This year is quite special .... I have a lot of one-off items ...for example baby expenses. However we know that to bring a baby to adult, there is probably a string of one-off expenses over many years. Maybe "amortization" probably is a fairer way to deal with it. We need to recognize it as regular cost of business ! 

There are many other one-off items such as Renovation, Alter, Cremation Niches, Medical Surgery, Hospitalization, Medical checks, Confinement  ... this are debatable. Nevertheless they can be big ticket items or summation in total. Ignore them at your perils.

And we have the regular ones like Taxes, Nanny, Parent Allowances, Installments, Holidays, Baby Misc ...

If one plans to retire, make sure we plan them into our annual expense plan with good buffers. Don't simply jump into FIRE through hard core saving. You will be surprise like I do this year on how bad it can goes on how expenses blow up. After totaling up major items that i could find, the expenses YTD is S$117 K... ( ouch ). 

The fortunate thing is that my Liquid asset and Net worth are still trending up. The first is due to Stock Market and Regular Job, and the later with added Property Valuation Growth (Cashless by the way).

Anyone like to retire now ?

