Jan 19, 2018

Cory Diary : Comforting or not

Have been monitoring ComfortDelGro for a while but never in it for long term investment. Reason being simple. The competition is keen and they are cutting at each other throat. A lot of blood. I have a lot of concerns. Nevertheless I got some when it got near $2. However after reading their earning report, I think Oil price matters.

News : ComfortDelGro and Uber launch UberFLASH services in Singapore

When today news is out on the tie up with Uber, I decided to sell my shares which I bought for 2.8% profit. Just a little kopi money and for my concern of the creeping oil price. Don't get me wrong. This is still a good company but timing seems not right now. If the price continues to go up, good for them and shareholders. And I will just have to keep looking.

19 Jan 2018

Jan 15, 2018

Cory Diary : You don't have to Swing

Just watched one of Warran Buffett video. Buffett says, is that you don't have to swing at every pitch.

"The trick in investing is just to sit there and watch pitch after pitch go by and wait for the one right in your sweet spot. And if people are yelling, 'Swing, you bum!,' ignore them. "

He make it so easy to understand. Indeed I should ignore. Missed opportunity is ok. Just don't lose my pant. Every bullet counts ! If the market has nothing worthy to buy, just watch.

I did cut a "Medical Cancer" today which I should not have swinged. Thanks Goodness. I feel so mentally healthy after.  One thing I learned from a Guru is that Clinic Business is dependent on Skilled Doctor. Without them, you get a shell company.

Have a wonderful Monday !



Jan 6, 2018

Cory Diary : Year 2018 Planning

What will Year 2018 be for Investor like me ?

Let's start with STI index. If we remembered an earlier article I wrote on crisis, NK crisis likely will not affects economic activity as it is not a financial originated one ( see link). That's turn out to be good so far for 2017, and that we should continue to stay invested. People who try to time on such events and get out of investment will be out-of-luck !

Based on last year div, the current STI price yield is roughly 2.8x% (DYODD). This may implied potential STI upside to hit 3800 range I think. Will it be ? No one can guarantee but I do feel the probability is higher if is to be based on my own Yield and Chart support levels.

Driving for returns

One thing I learn from 2017 is that I am a little conservative. Therefore, I hope to be able to re-balance some of my bonds to higher yield direction. And to move more cash to more dividend play. Yes, is tough to find more counters to manage. Alternatively, is to expand each counter proportionally at the right time and it requires more due diligence. 

Every bullet counts

In 2017 I have been quite trigger happy. One of the reason is I am over-zealous in trying to stay invested every time funds are available from profit taking. With stronger cash flow in 2018, I need to watch my equity entry more carefully and allows my war chest to build-up if needed. 

Optimizing my cash and lower yield segments

With strong 2017 and Fresh Funds, Investable will increase. This is the result of better bonus, higher salary and dividends. One of my challenge is how to ensure a sum long enough to sustain for my housing loan in case the equity market took a turn, personal spending increases and out-of-job. However, a large sum of money idling in the bank account is a sore eye.

Possible options I can think of is maximising my SSB, larger FD and topping up my CPF OA.

Asset Management

CPF, I have been a little slow in actively managing this area for my retirement. So maximizing my SA will be one of my goals. Transferred more funds to CPF SA account for higher basic retirement return assurance this week. Yes ! I know is one-way street.

A little CPF OA fund was used in my property purchase. This is a mistake. I hope to return them when I can. If is not done this year, will be next. 

Will plan to surrender one of my insurance policy when times are good so that the bonus portion will be nice i thought.  I could be wrong but I should be ok.

Happy 2018
